China is willing to contribute more for Africa to achieve long -lasting peaceful development

Author:Direct Africa Time:2022.08.09


At a regular press conference on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 9, a reporter from Shenzhen Satellite TV asked: On August 8, the United Nations Security Council held an open debate with the theme of African capacity building. What is China's comment?


Wang Wenbin: Yesterday, the chairman of China as the President of the Security Council hosted the "African Peace and Security: Strengthening Capability Building and Realizing Permanent Peace" public debate. Supporting African capacity building and helping to achieve lasting peace is the priority direction and focus of China's chairman's term. In his speech, Ambassador Zhang Jun, a permanent representative of the United Nations in the United Nations, called on the international community to give African countries with targeted support to African countries to give African countries from four aspects of strengthening government governance capabilities, improving the ability of security departments, improving sustainable development capabilities, and cultivating talents. Adhering to the development of correct concepts and true and sincere concepts of sincerity, it is willing to have an opportunity to promote the implementation of global security initiatives, promote Africa to achieve sustainable peace and security. The results of the forum, deepening and pragmatic cooperation, and contributing to Africa's long -term and peaceful development.

The meeting was warmly responded and actively participated in the international community. In addition to members of the Security Council, South Africa, Algeria, Egypt, Italy, Thailand, Bangladesh, Ecuador, and African Union organized representatives to participate in the conference. The parties to the meeting highly appreciated the initiative of the Chinese office and spoke at the meeting, and actively evaluated China to contribute to supporting Africa's peaceful development. The participating African countries believe that the key issues facing China and Africa in this meeting are important and timely. It meets the needs of African countries and helps to promote the international community to actively respond to the concerns of Africa, which fully reflects China's strong support for Africa.

(Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

"Directly through Africa"

China -Africa cooperation information

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