China responds "whether this will become the new normal"

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.10

On the 9th, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter from Bloomberg asked: Wu Zhaoxuan in Taiwan said that China conducted an excuse for "aggressive military exercises" with Perosi's visit to Taiwan. What are the comments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? In addition, the Chinese military announced today that it will continue to carry out military exercises in the waters around Taima. How long will the new military exercise last? Will this become a new normal?

Wang Wenbin said that China ’s countermeasures for Perosi’ s visit to Taiwan are completely legitimate, reasonable, and legal. It is not only a warning to the provocative, but also a punishment for the “Taiwan independence” forces. There is only one China in the world. Taiwan is an indiscriminate part of China. The government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal government representing China. This is the real facts and status quo of the Taiwan Strait. The Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party authorities and "Taiwan independence" stubborn stubbornness reversed black and white and confusing audiovisual, once again exposed its essence of "independence" division.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that achieving the entire unity of the motherland is the common will of all Chinese children and the historical general trend that cannot be stopped. Regardless of the DPP authorities and the "Taiwan independence" forces to play "American cards" or any other cards, they cannot save the fate of the failure of the "Taiwan independence" forces. The lies and provocations are like shaking the trees, which will only accelerate their own extinction.

Wang Wenbin said that the relevant situation of Chinese military training you mentioned was explained yesterday. I am willing to reiterate again that China has carried out normal military training activities in its own territory. It is open, transparent, and professional. Relevant departments have issued announcements in time. This is in line with domestic law, international law, and international practice. It is not only a warning to provocatives, but also a legitimate move to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. As for whether you pay attention to this will become a new normal, please learn from the Chinese competent authorities.

Source: website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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