On the subway, they used sweat to get cool travel

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.08.10

As the scorching sun, the refreshing and pleasant subway is one of the best choices for travel in Sanfu Tian. On August 9th, in order to provide citizens with a more comfortable and safe travel environment, the young people of Xi'an Metro adhered to their posts, received high -temperature "baking" tests, and fought on the front line of production.

Gaze section station clerk faces the "baking" test

Due to the open structure, the working conditions of the elevated station are much more difficult than the underground station. Every summer, the sun is direct, plus the refraction effect of metal and glass canopy, the temperature of the platform on the platform is often close to 50 ° C. The arrival station of each train is a "baking" test for employees at elevated stations. However, they still need to pay attention to the safety of passengers on the bus and platform door at high temperature to ensure that the train runs normally.

High temperature operations in contact with online inspection and repair work

In the hot summer, the subway contact network equipment is expanded in the heat, and the clue tension becomes smaller, which can easily lead to abnormal work conditions of some of the underwriting anchor compensation devices. Due to the exposure to the external environment, the surface of the contact network equipment has continued to be high temperature. The contact net workers who are neatly wearing insulating shoes, long -sleeved protective clothing, and hard hats need to climb to the high altitude to complete each inspection project with a standardized inspection process.

Rail maintenance worker foot stepping hot waves

In the long -term high temperature environment, the orbit is prone to failure such as "swelling rails" and "runway". To this end, the rail maintenance worker is burning at high temperature and is nervously carried out equipment inspection operations. They sometimes twisted the "Ding Zijuan" fastening buckle bolt, and sometimes squatted down to check whether the gap is uniform and sometimes lying on the rail to check the rail level. After a few minutes, everyone's back was sweaty, and the face was covered with water ...

Mechanical and electrical maintenance workers guard the carriage cool

In order to ensure that the air -conditioning system of the subway station is operating normally, the mechanical and electrical maintenance personnel sometimes climb up the cooling tower set up at the high altitude outside the station. Sometimes they stay in the stuffy tower for a long time. A cooling tower is maintained. In order to enable the train air conditioner to run smoothly in high temperature weather, and provide passengers with a cool travel environment, vehicle maintenance personnel need to clean and inspect the train air conditioners on a regular basis. In the sultry train maintenance database area, the vehicle maintenance worker carefully inspected the train to accurately apply policies to key difficulties, and ensure that passengers travel safely and comfortably.

Don't be afraid of the heat, not afraid of high temperature, these cute subway young people guard the comfort and convenience of citizens traveling with sweat.

Text/Xi'an Newspaper All Media Reporter Guo Peiran/Li Ming intern Lei Xinyu

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