Zhongyang County: Take the customs and customs as the starting point to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside

Author:Huanghe News Network Luliang C Time:2022.08.10

Rural rejuvenation, civilization first. In the process of continuously consolidating and improving the results of poverty alleviation results, the results of the effective connection of the same rural rejuvenation are promoted to promote the customs and civilization models, implement the rural cultural revitalization as the starting point, give full play to the role of the position of the civilization practice office in the new era, and increase the greatness The old and bad habits of the rules of the rules, feudal nourishment, and feudal superstitions are newly promoted, and the fine traditions of hard work and frugality are vigorously promoted, and it has provided strong spiritual power and moral support for the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

In recent years, Zhongyang County has performed a good job of "new marriage, simplicity of funerals, and no incidents", focusing on the "six categories of matters", focusing on "no matter what happens", solidly deployed, and continued to make efforts. The county's measures through the construction of the red and white council, the improvement of the village regulations, and the regulating measures of party members and cadres to organize weddings and funerals and celebrations to comprehensively promote the institutionalization, standardization, and normalization of the customs and customs. The atmosphere of bad habits and construction of civilizations is becoming increasingly strong.

In the reality of Yangpo Tower Village, Ningxiang Township, the "one or four meetings" was established. Starting from expanding positive publicity and education, vigorously publicized the new fashion of changing the customs and customs, and strived to create a good social atmosphere for new wedding, simplified funeral, and no matter what happened. At the same time, the disadvantages of the general publicity of the wishes and funeral exercises are used to use the rural broadcasting and publicity columns such as the rural broadcasting and publicity columns. The concept of funeral handling makes a series of institutions of moving customs and customs regulates household names and brains. Guoyang Village, Nuanquan Town, takes the rest of the implementation as the primary condition for the selection of star -rated civilized households. Leading, promoting the deepening of the matter, created a new civilization of "proud of the stars and competing stars" in the village. "Party members and cadres actively play a model of model, take the lead in simplifying the process of marriage and funeral handling, take the lead in discouraging relatives and funerals and funerals and funerals. , A good situation of the funeral simplifies and the restlessness. By promoting the customs and customs activities of the county, the county not only reduces the economic burden of the masses, but also abandons the interpersonal negative accumulation of mutual comparison. . "Guo Shifeng, Secretary of the Party Branch of Gongyang Village.

The person in charge of the Zhongyang County Civilization Office said: "At present, 89 villages (communities) in 6 towns and villages in the county will be included in the village regulations (residents' conventions), and the red and white council covers the full coverage of the red and white council, which will effectively help the general public. Save expenditures, accelerate the promotion of the customs and customs, and the customs of culture. "In the next step, Zhongyang County will continue to carry out special activities for moving customs and customs, vigorously rectify the rules and rules, and build new villages with new ideas, new ideas, and new styles. Early into the mind, establish a new style of the era of civilization and health.

Reporter: Marin

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