Gaomi City Transportation Bureau vigorously promotes the construction of traffic infrastructure to serve economic and social development to serve the economic and social development

Author:Gao Mi Rong Media Time:2022.08.10

In recent years, the development of Gaomi City's transportation industry has been changing with each other. Especially since the implementation of the integrated strategy of the Jiaodong Economic Circle, Gao Mi traffic people have opened the road, encountering water bridges, seizing opportunities, hard work, and vigorously promoting traffic infrastructure interconnection and interconnection, and interconnection, and interconnection, and interconnection, and interconnection, and interoperability, and interconnection, and interconnection, and interoperability, and interconnection, and interconnection, and interconnection, and interoperability, and interconnection, and interconnection, and interconnection, and interconnection, and interconnection, and interoperability, the interconnection of transportation infrastructure. The internal and inside of the field is unobstructed. The railway, Jiaoji customer specialty, and Jiqing high -speed rail are achieved "three -line parallel"; Qingyin's high -speed expansion is completed and opened to traffic. By re -operation at the turn of Jiaodong International Airport, the Weijiao Road renovated line, Ping An Avenue Dongyan docking airport expressway and other projects solidly advanced, and handed over a satisfaction answer sheet of transportation.

As of the end of 2021, the mileage of Gaomi Highway and the national province's main line highway was 157.8 kilometers, and the mileage of rural roads was 3231.2 kilometers, which basically met the growing needs of the people's growing up. Strong motivation.

Build a large traffic pattern to draw a new blueprint for the future

Outstanding development and transportation first. Since the beginning of this year, the Gaomi City Transportation Bureau has seized the historical opportunities of the "integrated development of the Jiaodong Economic Circle", borrowing in Qingdao, to the east to the sea, opening up the arteries, unblocked microcirculation, and striving to build a high -secret "three -dimensional transportation" pattern. The east extension of Ping'an Avenue is connected to the North Express Channel in the northern part of Qingdao's central urban area, the expansion of the eastern section of Kangcheng Street, Weijiao Road Reconstruction, and the expansion of Pingying Road. Sexual progress, sprint all the time at the end of the year. The coordination of Dong's high -speed construction is coordinated and promoted the main responsibility, and more than 10 dispatch meetings were held. As of now, more than 2 million squares of supply have been completed, and more than 200 relocated pipelines have been completed, which has laid a solid foundation for the smooth progress of Ming Dong's high speed; continued to improve the "road length system", rural roads have been fully upgraded and upgraded, and three county roads such as Ruwang Road, Lingwang Road, etc. The three dangerous bridge rebuilding and reinforcement projects such as Dazhongxiu and Yilong Road Wulonghe Bridge have continued to improve the conditions for rural transportation.

"Centennial Old Station" changing new face to shape the new coordinates of the city

On January 16, the new station of the Gaomi Railway Station was officially opened and operated, marking the decisive results of the comprehensive transformation project of the railway station with a total investment of more than 400 million yuan. At the beginning, the "century -old station" was renewed, and the masses praised it. The Gaomi City Transportation Bureau is actively coordinated with the construction unit and the funding unit, strives to overcome the impact of the epidemic, resolves the constraints such as artificial tension and material shortage, accelerate the construction of the square and civil air defense engineering project in front of the railway station station, and strive to create a high -quality city construction and the construction of high -quality cities. New highlights of people's livelihood construction. Starting from daily, breakthrough from details, coordinate the sanitary cleaning, order management and greening management and protection of the High -speed Railway North Railway Station. The square management step into standardized and refined tracks. Lingang New Town's "Vitality Area" jumped.

Deepen the "decentralization service" to reform the masses to do things more worry -free

Adhere to the problem -oriented, demand -oriented, reconstruct process, improve services, promote the deep integration of online and offline services, and create a first -class political business environment. Guide the construction of nine convenience service stations, all businesses such as trucks online, driver's integrity assessment, etc. all realized in different places; on June 1, 9 types of electronic certificates such as road transportation operation licenses were comprehensively enabled, and a text message reminded heart -warming service was issued. It has achieved the ability to handle the government nearby, multi -point, and one Netcom, extending efficient and convenient services to the grassroots, effectively solving the problems such as "running more" and "back running" of the masses. Up to now, more than 6,300 cards have been handled in various types of certificates, and more than 3,000 road transportation industry households and employees have benefited more than 14,000 road transportation industry. They can reduce the people's door -to -door services each year.

Civilized law enforcement tree image science and technology treatment efficiency

Adhere to the blade inward and self -revolution, further consolidate the special rectification results of outstanding issues in the field of transportation law enforcement, strengthen the construction of law enforcement teams, and build a transportation law enforcement iron army. Coordinate and link with the public security department, comprehensively use cross -regional joint law enforcement, error -time law enforcement, night law enforcement, etc. to increase law enforcement efforts, focus on rectify overloaded vehicles, dangerous goods vehicles, container vehicles, black rental, black nets, and keep law enforcement. High -pressure situation. Actively promote the new mode of law enforcement in the super-non-non-non-non-on-site law enforcement, regulate the operation of the road governance over point and the overcome of Weijiao Luzhi. From January to July, a total of 652 over-override vehicles were confirmed, and 183 cases had been completed. During the year, it was also planned to invest 13 million yuan to build three non -on -site law enforcement points to further build a super -wisdom of "Smart Skynet" to achieve precise and remote cracks for illegal transportation behavior.

All the members rushed to the front to build a line of defense

In the past two years of the epidemic prevention and control, the Gaomi Municipal Transportation Bureau has fully implemented the deployment of the municipal party committee and municipal government's epidemic prevention and control work. And the excellent style ability, firmly hold the first line of defense of the epidemic prevention and control. Actively play a leading role of joint defense and joint control and transportation guarantee, implement leading cadres to rely on the system, keep an eye on key points such as transportation mounts, transportation stations, and practitioners. Joint combat to protect the safety of the people's lives. Especially in key places such as railway stations, high -speed rail North Station, and bus stations, traffic people have always been on their jobs from the date of prevention and control of the epidemic. So far, they have adhered to more than 600 days and nights. The vow. In the past two years, a total of 6.3 million inspection personnel and 530,000 units of vehicles fully demonstrated the strong spirit of transportation people in the new era and the people's feelings for the people. Looking forward to the future of the future, Gao Mi -mounting people will not forget their original intentions, work hard, and take new responsibilities in the new era, and continue to promote the transportation industry and then innovate. "Pioneer" held a gift to the 20th National Congress of the Party with excellent results.

(Supply: Municipal Transportation Bureau)

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