Report to the people | Water conservancy competes for the first excellence in the province. Why should Taizhou Linhai?

Author:Voice of Zhejiang Time:2022.08.10

Source: Voice of Zhejiang reporter Chen Bowen

Report to the people

Based on the focus of "stabilizing investment, benefiting people's livelihood, maintaining safety, and long -term" work, Taizhou Linhai City fully expanded water conservancy investment and effectively made water conservancy projects into a real benefit project. In the first to June of this year, the water conservancy rushed to the first excellence, Linhai ranked first in the province's counties (cities, districts).

(Deputy Secretary of the Linhai Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Cai Jianjun)

As a water conservancy market, since the beginning of this year, Linhai has accelerated the construction of a number of key water conservancy projects such as Fangxi Reservoir Project, Daitian Plain Drainage Phase II (Expossed Project), and Lingjiang Management Project. A number of major water conservancy projects such as engineering (Nanyang Tuhai Pond) and other major water conservancy projects formed accurate and effective investment. As of the end of June, the investment has been completed by 461 million yuan, with a completion rate of 76.8%. The completion and completion rate ranks first in Taizhou, and the completion rate ranks first in the province.

Cai Jianjun, deputy secretary of the Linhai Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, said that Linhai established the leadership group of "Ancient City Rise Water Conservancy" flood prevention and drainage and moisture blocking capacity, strengthened organizational guarantee, increased investment, accelerated project advancement, and formed a working pattern of joint implementation. "In the case of funds, we have closely grasped the policy window period and actively strive for higher -level subsidy funds and local governments special bonds. Since this year, we have won 145 million yuan in subsidy funds for major water conservancy projects above the provincial and above. 100 million yuan. In terms of land protection, 222 acres have been implemented, and 1775 acres of land use indicators will be used. "

(Fangxi Reservoir Project)

Cai Jianjun said that in the next stage, Linhai will fully implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress, and further strengthen the defense of water and drought disaster, water resource allocation, and water ecological improvement with greater determination, stronger strength, and more practical measures. "We insist on accelerating the improvement of the" Ancient City Rise Water Conservancy 'Anlan' 'flood prevention and drainage and moisture resistance. Give full play to benefits, comprehensively improve the flood prevention and drainage and moisture resistance of the sea, and firmly adhere to the bottom line of the people's lives and property. "

(The second phase of the Datian Plain Dragons in Linhai City (Expossed Project) Xu'an No. 2 Tunnel realizes the entire line through the entire line)

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