China release 丨 Urumqi key urban areas to implement temporary static management measures

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.08.10

China Net, August 10th On August 10, the headquarters of the new type of coronary virus pneumonia in Urumqi City issued an announcement saying that in order to block the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible, prevent the risk of the epidemic, and effectively protect the lives of the lives of the people of all ethnic groups In good health, after research and decision by the Urumqi outbreak prevention and control headquarters, from 8:00 on August 10, 2022, in the city of Tianshan District, Shaybak District, Water Milling area, high -tech zone (new urban area), and economic development zone (Tutun River District) and Midong District have implemented temporary static management measures, and the time is tentative for five days.

According to the announcement, all streets (townships) and communities (villages) in Urumqi in key urban areas have implemented static management measures. In principle, the community, units, and courtyards only retain one entrance. In addition to the inspection of nucleic acid testing, medical rescue, emergency rescue, production and living confession, garbage treatment, administrative law enforcement, etc. in the static management area, all residents must not go out. The community (villages) do a good job of service guarantee and implement the point -to -point medical treatment. All kinds of personnel participating in the prevention and control of the epidemic and urban security work are through the relevant documents.

In terms of transportation, it is controlled and controlled. In addition to the operation guarantee vehicle, bus, taxi, and subways have been suspended to ensure the passage of vehicle vouchers related to urban operation and epidemic prevention and control. Railway, highways, and airports remain normal.

During the static management period, the implementation of non -murmured, not coming to black and returning to black, really need to come back to the district (county) and the transportation department to do a good job of point -to -point pass and check -in; The negative report and the health code green code shall be arranged by the community. In accordance with resolutely blocking the channels of virus communication, ensuring the continuous requirements of the transportation network, the continuous green channels of emergency transportation, and the continuous requirements of the necessary mass production and living materials transportation channels, and do a good job in the protection of freight logistics and protection.

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