Prepare the war and continue to advance!Taoyuan County Civilized City Evaluation and Welcome Inspection

Author:See Hunan Time:2022.08.10

Huasheng Online (correspondent Xu Tan) On August 5, Taoyuan County held a mobilization conference on the civilized city index evaluation and welcoming inspection work. Ma Jiyun, deputy secretary of the Taoyuan County Party Committee and county magistrate, emphasized that at all levels of the county, it is necessary to win the provincial inspection evaluation with high standards and high -quality and high -quality gestures, high standards, high standards, and high -quality and high -quality cities to achieve new results.

Intersection on duty

Pavement patrol

Ma Jiyun requested that the benchmarking table should be benchmarked, and the entire county must take the welcoming inspection work as the top priority of the current work, strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen supervision and inspection, and follow up The principle of responsibility, complete the specific tasks such as functional creation, road duty, road section, three packages, and courtyard management. To determine the goal, firm confidence, with a sense of responsibility, mission, and urgency, consolidate and maintain the golden signboard of the provincial civilized city.

Query illegal parking information

Drag the vehicle illegal

At the meeting, as a key creation unit, Shao Feng, director of the traffic police brigade brigade, made a statement. In the past few days, all the civil police officers of the brigade have given up their annual leave and weekend breaks. The patrol value is guarded at various intersection sections of the county area, and various types of traffic violations are checked, and they will increase the illegal parking, red lights, retrograde, motorcycle electric vehicles illegally installed umbrellas with umbrellas. Do not wear a security helmet and other rectification. According to statistics, more than 500 traffic violations have been seized, and more than 1,500 drivers who have to park in illegal parking, umbrellas, and do not wear safety helmets, drag more than 50 illegal vehicles, and maintain the road traffic order in urban areas. Evaluation and welcoming a good road traffic environment.

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