Shimo North District has to park space 11 floors parking buildings and car storage cars to pick up cars

Author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily Time:2022.06.17

(Source: Shibei District)

(Source: Shibei District)

Xinwang, June 16 (Correspondent Ji Shanshan Chief Reporter Du Yue Ran) Recently, the construction of the Hailun Road parking lot project is close to the end and is about to be put into use. The project is located east of Shandong Road, west of the surveying and mapping home, north of Helen Road, and south of Baiquan Road. It covers an area of ​​about 1,272 square meters. It can be reported to the ground -based three -dimensional parking building according to special equipment, and 188 parking spaces can be provided.

When you come to the parking lot of Helen Road, you can see a steel structure parking building with modern industrial wind standing on the side of Shandong Road. It is close to the building of the Qingdao Basic Geographic Information Center. Debugging for safety equipment.

"At present, the project has been completed, and the equipment can run normally. When the operating unit is determined, it can be opened to the outside world. It is expected to open parking in June." Song Shujun, the person in charge of the Hailun Road parking lot project, said that there are 11 floors in the Hailun Road three -dimensional parking garage. Among them, 5 floors are used to park SUV vehicles with large volumes and can accommodate 88 vehicles; the remaining 6 floors are used to park cars and can accommodate 100 vehicles.

He introduced that there are 10 entrances and exits in the parking garage, with touching LED screens next to each entrance and "traffic lights" displayed in the parking status. If there is still an empty parking space, the indicator light next to the entrance will turn on the green light, and the number of free parking spaces will be displayed on the LED screen. The light yellow lamp is the meaning of "waiting" for the owner, indicating that there is no vacancy for the time being, or someone is accessing the car. The bright red light indicates that the maintenance is underway, and the vehicle is not allowed to park at this entrance. "Before the owner arrives at the parking building, as long as you look at the parking indicator from a distance, you can stop where you stop."

It is understood that the access to the car is also very simple and easy to do.

When you want to save a car, just click "I want to save the car" on the LED screen, the system will automatically identify the license plate number and automatically open the door of the door. Warm prompts such as bringing good belongings ". As long as the owner drove the car into the mouth, the lifting opportunity to automatically hold the tire, and let the vehicle "take the elevator" upstairs by combing with comb. The whole process takes about 1 minute.

When you need to pick up the car, just click "I want to pick up the car" on the LED screen and enter the license plate number, the system will automatically transport the car to the entrance through the lifting system, and transfer it to the front of the car out of the car. At the same time, the door is turned on, and the driver can drive away the car directly. The waiting time is about 1 minute and a half.

"This set of equipment can automatically detect the liver. If people enter the car in the car or enter the car, the equipment will not run. This will avoid accidents such as forgetting children or animals in the car." Song Shujun introduced, introducing, saying that At the same time, after opening the parking lot, the construction party will have two maintenance personnel on the scene. If any problems occur, it will be resolved in 10 minutes.

It is understood that this area can only be parked in 24 vehicles. After the parking building is built, it can provide 188 parking spaces. Through the "upward space", the parking capacity has been doubled. In this place where Shandong Road is golden, it is difficult to build a large parking lot. By building a mechanical three -dimensional parking garage, using the land to use land can provide more convenience for residents.

The construction of a cobbled mechanical parking garage is an important measure to activate the idle land in the northern district and alleviate the parking problem for residents. According to the three -year tackling plan of urban renewal and urban construction in Shibei District, 7 parking lot construction will be promoted this year. After completion, it is expected to provide nearly 3,000 parking spaces, of which 4 are planned as a mechanical three -dimensional parking garage, which can provide nearly 800 800 Individual parking space.

[Source: Xinwang Editor: Fu Yi]

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