The latest personnel appointment and removal of the latest personnel in Henan; some leadership of the Zhengzhou Municipal Government is adjusted

Author:Henan Legal Daily Time:2022.08.10

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Luohe latest personnel adjustment

On the morning of August 4th, the Municipal Party Committee held a meeting of leading cadres of the city's public security organs to announce the decision of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee on the appointment and removal of the main leaders of the Municipal Public Security Bureau: Nominated Comrade Li Jiancang as the deputy mayor of Luohe Municipal Government, and served as a member of the municipal government party groupThe party committee secretary and supervisor of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Comrade Zhang Fei no longer serves as Deputy Mayor of Luohe Municipal Government, a member of the Municipal Government Party Group, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Director of Inspector.

Sun Jingquan serves as secretary of the Party Committee of the Puyang District of the Communist Party of China

On the morning of August 2nd, the meeting of the county -level leading cadres at Puyang District of Shangqiu City was held to announce the decision of personnel appointment and removal of the provincial and municipal committees.The Provincial Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee decided: Comrade Sun Jingquan served as Secretary of the Puyang District Committee of the Communist Party of China; Comrade Li Chaolu no longer held the position of secretary of the Puyang District Committee of the Communist Party of China.

At the meeting, it was also announced that Comrade Zhao Rui appointed the Standing Committee of the Puyang District Committee of the Communist Party of China. Xinxiang announced the latest group of personnel appointment and removal on August 4th, the Xinxiang Municipal People's Government issued the latest group of personnel appointments and removal, involving the Municipal Water Resources Bureau and the Municipal Commerce Bureau. Xinxiang Municipal People's Government's notifications on Comrade Li Linfeng's counties (cities), district people's governments, and municipal people's government departments: According to the notification of documents No. 604 of the New Group of Xinxiang Municipal Party Committee Organization Department of the Communist Party of China. Comrade Li Linfeng is the deputy director of the Xinxiang Water Resources Bureau (both). Xinxiang Municipal People's Government's notice of the notifications of Liu Wenjun and Comrade Chen Shuwen's counties (cities), district people's governments, and municipal people's government departments: In accordance with the notification of documents [2022] No. 597 of the Organization Department of the Xinxiang Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China. Appointment: Comrade Liu Wenjun is the director of the management committee of the Xinxiang Economic and Technological Development Zone; Comrade Chen Shuwen is the deputy director of the management committee of Xinxiang Economic and Technological Development Zone. The above comrades implement the term system. Xinxiang Municipal People's Government's notice of four comrades including Liu Yanbin, including counties (cities), district people's governments, and municipal people's government departments: In accordance with the notice of Document No. 595 [2022] No. 595 of the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China Appointment: Comrade Liu Yanbin is the director of the management committee of Xinxiang High -tech Industrial Development Zone; Zhang Ye (female), Zhang Lipeng, and Comrade Zhang Mengqian are deputy director of the management committee of Xinxiang High -tech Industrial Development Zone. The above comrades implement the term system. Xinxiang Municipal People's Government's notice of the appointment and removal of the duties of Feng Jingshan and Comrade Wang Jian, the county (city), district people's government, and the departments of the municipal people's governments: According to the notification of Document No. 571 of the New Township Organization Department of the New Township Committee of the Communist Party of China, after research Decision: Comrade Feng Jingshan is the deputy director of the Xinxiang Retired Military Affairs Bureau (presided over). Remove: Comrade Wang Jian's deputy director of the Xinxiang City Commerce Bureau. The division of labor of some leaders of the Zhengzhou Municipal Government was adjusted on August 9th. According to the website of the Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government, some of the leaders of the Zhengzhou Municipal Government ’s work division of the work ↓↓ Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government's notice of the division of labor of some leaders of the municipal government [ 2022] No. 99 The Management Committee of the Development Zone No. 99, the people's government of each district, county (city), the municipal people's governments, and relevant units: According to work needs, after research by the municipal government, the division of work of some leaders and comrades of the municipal government is adjusted. Now The adjustment of the adjustment is as follows: Gao Yi is responsible for the executive work of the municipal government; leads the key reform and the coordination of major projects; responsible for comprehensive coordination, economic operation, development and reform, retired military affairs, emergency management, safety production, fire rescue, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, financial supervision, and financial supervision, Human Resources, Statistics, State -owned Assets Supervision, Government Affairs Open, Government Affairs Management, Railway, Civil Aviation, Rail Transit Construction and other key tasks; assisted Comrade He Xiong to be responsible for auditing and supervision. Assist Comrade He Xiong in charge of the Municipal Audit Bureau. In charge of the General Office of the Municipal Government, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Retired Military Bureau, the Municipal State -owned Assets Supervision Commission, the Municipal Emergency Bureau, the Municipal Statistics Bureau, the Municipal Finance Bureau Zhengzhou Arbitration Office. Contact the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the CPPCC, and the Municipal Supervision Commission; contact the Municipal Intermediate People's Court and the Municipal People's Procuratorate; contact the Zhengzhou Airport Management Committee, Zhengdong New District Management Committee; contact banks, insurance, securities, futures, taxes and other units ; Contact North China Petroleum Bureau, Civil Aviation Henan Supervision Bureau, Zhongnan Air Management Bureau Henan Branch, China Railway Zhengzhou Bureau Group Co., Ltd., Henan Airport Group Co., Ltd., China Southern Henan Branch, China Aviation Oil Henan Company; Youth League and Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Women's Federation, Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, Municipal Overseas Chinese Federation, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation; According to the division of labor of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Huqiang is responsible for the key tasks of education, national religion, civil affairs, cultural radio and television and tourism, health, sports, and medical security. In charge of the Municipal Education Bureau, the Civil Religious Bureau, the Civil Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Culture, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism Bureau, the Municipal Health and Health Commission, the Municipal Sports Bureau, the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, the Municipal History Office. Contact Zhengzhou Yellow River Cultural Park Management Committee; contact the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Farmers and Industry Party, the Municipal Cultural Federation, the Municipal Social Sciences Federation, and the Municipal Red Cross. Shi Xiutian is responsible for key tasks such as public security, judicial, and stable letters. Presides the comprehensive work of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. In charge of the Municipal Judicial Bureau and the Municipal Letters and Calls Bureau. Contact the Municipal National Security Agency. If the division of labor is not involved in this division of labor, the municipal government leaders are responsible for the work unchanged. The management committees of each development zone, the people's government of each district, county (city), and the departments of the municipal people's governments, and relevant units shall do a good job of related work in accordance with the division of labor of the municipal government's leadership and comrades. Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government paid tribute on August 2, 2022! The most beautiful figure at high temperature Henan! It will be implemented from December 1st! Regarding the publicity of five comrades such as Zhang Kaile@关于 关于 关于 关于, 100,000 employment trainees in Henan are waiting for you! All realized before the end of the year! It's about Zhengzhou Medical Insurance! Health code and stroke card are fraudulent, 12 people were arrested! Source: Shangqiu Puyang District Government Network, Xinxiang Municipal Government Network, Luohe Release, Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government website editor: Yang Shufang

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