Typhoon "Mulan" has landed in Xuwen, Guangdong, and there will be strong wind and rain in the local area.

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.08.10

Typhoon Magnolia No. 7 this year has landed in the coastal area of ​​Xuwen, Zhanjiang, at 10:50 on August 10th at 10:50 on August 10th. Pa. It is expected that "Mulan" will continue to move north at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour, and enter the North Bay on the afternoon of the 10th, and the intensity will gradually weaken. Due to the loose structure of the typhoon "Mulan" and the wind and rain periphery, it is expected that there will still be obvious wind and rain in Guangdong on 10-11, and it is still necessary to continue to do a good job of defense.

What areas of typhoon "Mulan" influence? What kind of impact will it bring?

In this regard, Gao Tunzhu, the chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said in an interview with the media that in the next few days, there will be strong wind and rainy weather in Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan. From 20:00 on August 9th to 20:00, the South China Sea, the Qiongzhou Strait, the eastern part of the Beibu Gulf and the coast of Guangdong, the eastern coast of Hainan Island, the waters near the Nansha Islands, the waters near the Xisha Islands, and the sea areas near the Zhongsha Islands 6- Grade 7 winds, the northern parts of the South China Sea and the coastal winds in the central and western parts of Guangdong have 8-9 levels, 10-11 gusts, and the local waters can reach level 10 and gusts 11-12; There are heavy rain or rainstorm. Among them, there are heavy rains in parts of the southwestern part of Guangdong and northwestern Hainan Island.

What are the characteristics of "Magnolia" compared with other typhoons?

Gao Xunzhu said that the characteristics of "Magnolia" are large and strange paths, so it is necessary to pay attention to the impact and development trend of wind and rain. Because "Magnolia" is not completely separated from the low pressure of the monsoon, it maintains its huge volume and has a large influence; and the "Mulan" structure is loose. Storm impact.

In addition, Gao Tiezhu pointed out that the "Mulan" path is also different. In most cases, the typhoon that affects our country first follows the "Westward path" and then turns to the "Northeast path". However, the "position" of "Mulan" is the "inverted parabolic line" path that turns north to north and then to the northwest.

Will the typhoon "Mulan" alleviate the high temperature weather in the south?

Gao Xunzhu said that at present, the high temperature weather in the south of my country continues, and "Magnolia" will send coolness to some areas. Rainstorming and winds in southern Guangdong, south of Guangxi, Hainan and other places will effectively alleviate the impact of high temperature weather. However, due to the current subtropical high -pressure east -west stretching and comprehensive form, the overall power is strong, and the road of typhoon "north" is stopped, "Mulan" cannot continue to "go north". Therefore, the high temperature relief effect of "Mulan" in Central China, Jiangnan and other places is very limited.

In order to better monitor the "Magnolia", the China Meteorological Administration's Earth System Numerous Forecast Center, the National Meteorological Center, the National Satellite Meteorological Center and other units jointly carried out the "South China Sea Typhoon Empty Heaven and Earth Coordinated Three -dimensional encrypted detection and real -time assimilation forecast test". The observation aircraft of the Hong Kong Observatory carried out aircraft observations, and monitored data such as typhoon wind speed in vertical directions. The National Satellite Meteorological Center uses Fengyun No. 4 satellite for collaborative observations.

(CCTV News, Surging News)

Edit: Zhao Shanshan

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