Can kite fly to the sky without wind?This non -heritage interview group opens the eyes | Read the Yangtze River to understand China -Hubei Qianli Yangtze River Bank

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.08.10

Sun Hong, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of Hubei Province, became a member of the visiting group to introduce the grinding hawk kite. reporter Lu Shiwen Photo

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client August 10th (Trainee reporter Bao Meng) "Wow! This is different from the kite I usually put! It is three -dimensional, like a real eagle!" Ma Xingjian in the fourth grade of the Experimental Middle School pointed at the grinding hawk kite on the wall. On the morning of July 26th, "understand China along the Yangtze River -Hubei Qianli Yangtze River Bank" Yingjing Metropolitan Circle Entering the Jingchu African Non -Inheritance Institute in Jingjiang Avenue, Jingzhou City, Jingzhou, feels one of the intangible cultural heritage of Hubei Province - Jingzhou grinding eagle kite.

In the kite workshop of Jingzhou Jingchu Non -heritage inheritance, Sun Hongcheng, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of Hubei Province, is drawing the drawing of the hawk kite shape. The members of the delegation walked into the house and saw all kinds of kites on the house. The most kite in the house is the characteristic grinding eagle kite in Jingzhou. The tall and three -dimensional eagle head, the body and the eyes are hollowed out and equipped with bright "living eyes". "The eyes that can rotate, the overall shape painting looks like a real eagle, even the tail is full of gradient feathers. This kite must be like a real eagle in the sky!" Said Zhang Yimu, a member of the visiting group, and the third grade of Red Scarf International School.

"The magic of grinding the eagle kite is not only the eyes, but its flying method is not the same as ordinary kite." Then, Sun Hongcheng stood up and walked to the wall to get the hanging eagle kite. The center of gravity of the kite is backward, and the wind can fly to the sky with the help of wind. The gravity of grinding the eagle kite is forward. With a certain angle, the kite kite kite rises, and the pine thread can hover so that the grinding eagle kite can be used without the help of wind or indoors in the room. Fly on the sky. "In addition, because of the three -dimensional formation of the hawk kite, the skeleton is curved. Making the hawk kite not only must be bamboo workers, carpenter, and fitter, but also paint. Therefore, it is very skillful to make a grinding eagle kite." Sun Hongcheng said.

The members of the visiting group carefully listened to the introduction of the production process of the grinding eagle kite. reporter Lu Shiwen Photo

As a characteristic of Jingzhou, the hawk kite has a history of thousands of years. Its production skills come from Jingchu's "grinding eagle fighting rhino". Therefore, people make "grinding eagle" into kites and fly the sky to express their respect. "I was most impressed that when I was a kid, when everyone was flying on the street to fly the eagle kite, I reached a certain height to cut the line together.

At the end of the visit, when the members of the visiting group were ready to go to the next non -heritage cultural venue, Ma Xingjian, a member of the visiting group, came to Sun Hongcheng and asked: "Master, I am only 10 years old this year, can I learn to be this powerful kite?" Sun Hongcheng heard it. As soon as I smiled and said, "I started making grinding hawk kite at the age of 10, and now I have been kite for more than 50 years! You will definitely do it as soon as you get started!" In order to be called non -heritage, "I am glad and very welcome to be more and more young people are willing to take the initiative to enter Jingzhou Jingchu Non -hereditary Institute to study traditional skills."

【Edit: Yao Hao】

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