Delow the color of the people's native color, light up thousands of lights

Author:Yan Zhao Evening News Time:2022.08.11

Delow the color of the people's native color, light up thousands of lights

——The work review of the city's "common prosperity and prosperity, the well -being of the people's livelihood"

The people's hope, the direction of politics.

The butterfly of the old community has become a beautiful home with "residential safety, perfect facilities, complete functions, convenient travel, and clean environment"; various street -by -street gardens make people experience the comfort of "going out and entering the park"; The streets and lanes show the level, taste and connotation of the city; "one -minute clocks" improved the quality of life; inclusive private parks promote "young education" to "young and excellent education"; Shijiazhuang, the People's Hospital of Peking University The hospital was officially unveiled, and the construction of the National Regional Medical Center took a step forward ...

The completion of the people's livelihood project is completed, and the people's livelihood has landed, and it has become a warm list of people's livelihood. Essence

Over the past year, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have thoroughly implemented the people -centered development ideas. In the process of development, improve the quality of people's lives, continue to make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood, and solidly promote the construction of people's livelihood projects, so that the people have gained a real sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Write a common event with a big deal with a big deal.

Putting the people's "urgency and sorrow" on their hearts, carrying the people's "happiness" on their shoulders. On the road of wealthy, "one cannot be left behind."

Income is the source of people's livelihood. Realizing the increasing income of urban and rural residents is the eager expectation of the people. This year, the city has formulated and introduced the "Shijiazhuang City to increase the disposable income action plan for urban and rural residents (2022-2025)", based on the new stage of development, complete, accurate, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, serve and integrate into the new development pattern, and strive to improve The living standards of urban and rural residents allow the people to share the results of development. In accordance with the deployment requirements of the municipal party committee and municipal government at all levels, we will improve the position and actively promote the income of urban and rural residents in accordance with the deployment requirements of the municipal party committee and municipal government. The smile on the face became more.

In cities and towns, special actions of "redemption policies, strong services, and income income" have been carried out, focusing on ensuring and improving the salary income of enterprises and institutions, the salary income of skill talents, the re -distribution income of social insurance, the revenue of stable jobs, and the income of migrant workers. In rural areas, it has consolidated and expanded the effective connection of the results of poverty alleviation with the rural rejuvenation, and strives to increase farmers' wage income, net income, net income of property, and transfer of net income. According to the goal of "the city and rural residents 'disposable income will strive to exceed 50,000 yuan by 2025" proposed by our city, the city's residents' income has continued to grow steadily this year. In the first half of this year, the per capita disposable income of residents in the city was 16,993 yuan, an increase of 5.1%. According to the residential place, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 21,713 yuan, an increase of 3.7%; the per capita disposable income of rural residents in the city was 9,879 yuan, an increase of 5.7%.

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. Over the past year, the city has vigorously supported employment and entrepreneurship, and the city has implemented employment priority policies in the city. It has given all aspects from policies, funds, projects, and environments. The employment assistance is accurate and effective. Base. As of now, the number of new employment in the city's urban and towns has 88,442, and 70.75%of the annual tasks have been completed. The number of unemployed people has achieved 36,671 reinners, and employment difficulties have achieved re -employment of 12,130.

Entrepreneurship and innovation add vitality. Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have always attached great importance to and supported entrepreneurial innovation work. They have introduced a series of preferential policies such as tax reduction and exemption, entrepreneurial training, entrepreneurial guarantee loans, and entrepreneurial incubation to vigorously create an atmosphere of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". A large number of entrepreneurs took the forefront of the era by "policy Dongfeng". A large number of creative and prospects of entrepreneurial innovation projects have taken root in Shijiazhuang, blossoming and fruiting, and made positive contributions to economic and social development.

The Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have paid an eye on the bottom line of the poverty -stricken backline, forming a relatively comprehensive system of preventing poverty -stricken monitoring and assisting assistance, forming 17 municipal and county poverty alleviation centers, 195 township poverty prevention workstations, village poverty prevention poverty prevention The site is 3951, and 24,000 grid staff are determined, and the monitoring capabilities are fully discovered, early intervention, and early assistance to ensure that no one in the city will cause poverty to return to poverty.

Since the beginning of this year, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have adhered to the requirements of the "four non -picking" work and continued to increase funding support. The financial connection of the city at all levels in our city promoted a total of 1.312 billion yuan in subsidies for rural revitalization, an increase of more than 300 million yuan over last year. 783 assistance projects, actively carried out counties such as Pingshan, Zhengding, Lingshou and other counties to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation achievements. The construction of the demonstration zone of the same rural revitalization of the village, and strive for 125 million yuan in higher -level funds. In the town, Tayuanzhuang Village in Zhengding County has been accelerated into a national village of rural rejuvenation, further enhancing the development momentum of rural areas, and laid a solid foundation for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization ... A rural revitalization of rural areas with strong agricultural, rural beauty, and farmers unfolds. Essence

In the vivid practice of a new journey and building a new era, Shijiazhuang will continue to enhance the well -being of the people's livelihood, take the people's hope as the direction of politics, and take the needs of the people as a political, and write a greater "blessing" for common prosperity. Character. Create a sense of people's comfort with love with love

Lives and lives, live in peace, and entrust the most simple expectations and dreams in the hearts of the people. The brick tiles built a beautiful home.

Over the past year, the city has actively promoted the transformation of old communities, shantytowns, and villages in the city, eliminating "old", "breaking" and "old". Shangle bloomed.

Entering the Xinhua District Sinochem Dormitory Community, the new look made people shine. Five residential buildings are clean and tidy, and the distribution of motor vehicles and non -motorized vehicle parking lots is clear. The elderly and children have their own fun in the leisure square ... It is difficult to believe that this is an old community built in 1995.

"The community has changed too much this year. In the past, the exterior walls of the community, uneven road potholes, waste items were stacked at will, and the infrastructure was aging for a long time. The facilities are fully and happy, "said Yang Kai, the resident of the community.

As happy as the residents of Sinochem dormitory, there are former Taibao residents who are undergoing villages in the city. "It is a good thing to renovate the village. We all in favor not only can improve our living environment, but also support urban development!" Xu Jianhe of the former Taibao Village said that he came to the new house every day and hoped that he lived as soon as possible to live as soon as possible. Enter the new home.

Improve living conditions is not only the voice of the people, but also the greatest people's livelihood. The comforting to habitation is the longing for everyone. In the renovation of the old community, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government firmly established and practiced the people -centered development ideas. In accordance with the principle of "lack of what, what to make up", adhere to the decision -making, development, co -management, and effects of the effects of co -evaluation of the effects, the effects of the effect, and the effects of the effects. The results sharing, make up for the shortcomings of the old community, let the renovation of old communities rejuvenating new vitality. Based on the transformation and increased 645 old communities in 2021, a total of 956 old communities in the city this year involved 21 counties (cities, districts). At present, all of them have been constructed, and strive to complete before the end of September.

The renovation of the shantytown is related to millions of people to live and work in peace. The Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government adhere to the urban policy and adapt to local conditions to reasonably deploy the shed reform and resettlement houses, optimize the design of the apartment design, strictly supervise the quality of the project, and effectively improve the conditions of the masses. In 2021, the city's shantytowned area renovation project task was 5989 sets, which was completed and 12141 units were completed, and the annual tasks were exceeded. This year, the renovation task of shantytowns in our city is 22,399 units. The city does not relax and keeps paying attention to the task goals, clarify the time node and related requirements, ensure that the task is promoted to be strongly advanced, and strive to complete this year's task by the end of October. As of now, 20,290 units have been started, 90.58%of the annual tasks have been completed, 11648 units were completed, and 104.4%of the annual tasks were completed.

"People's cities and people are built, and people's cities are the people." Relevant departments at all levels put on the deployment of the municipal party committee and municipal government to put the transformation of the village in the city on the important agenda, and vigorously carry forward the spirit of "rejuvenating the stone and who gives up with me". The sense of crisis of urgency and slowness, promoting the substantial breakthrough in the transformation of villages in the city, so that the people have more sense of gain, happiness, and security. In the reconstruction of the village in the city, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government extensively solicited the opinions of the people, incorporated their most concerned, direct and most realistic appeals into the content of the transformation, focusing on the shortcomings of people's livelihood, opening up green channels, optimizing procedures, reverse construction periods, , Motor chart fighting. At present, the nine urban village reconstruction pilot projects determined in accordance with the standards of high -quality life demonstration zones have been demolished, and the resettlement houses in the relocation area are accelerating construction.

There is something to live in, and my heart is safe. The renovation of old communities, shantytowns, and urban villages has further improved the living environment of the masses, enhanced the image of the city, and truly made people's livelihood projects. The continuous implementation of the people's livelihood project not only makes the city a big change, but also benefits the people of rural areas, so that the quality of life of urban and rural residents has greatly improved. Among them, there are big paintings and implementation of large movements, and more meticulous humanistic care. What improves the living conditions and environment, the hearts of the people are condensed, and the urban temperature is highlighted.

The work office requires the beauty of the city's square inch

Improve urban functions, enhance the quality of the city, and make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood. To build a charming city, Shijiazhuang is becoming beautiful every day.

Shijiazhuang focuses on the construction and development positioning of the provincial capital, and strives to build a beautiful new homeland of livable, suitable for business, and Yiyi.

"In the past, I had to go far to the nearest park. Now there is a garden at the door of the house, and the happiness has doubled." Sun Xun, who lives in the Champs Garden, will go to the light and shadow garden near the community almost every day to talk about the changes around you. She praised her.

Over the past year, the city has vigorously improved the level of garden greening, and strives to create a green open space with good memory, temperature, and taste, further enhance the quality of the city, enhance the well -being of the masses, and build a modern and internationalized provincial capital in order to accelerate the construction of modernization and internationalization. With the capital as the core of the world -class urban agglomeration regional central cities, the city of charm that is proud of locals and longing for foreigners to build a green foundation. Vigorously promote the construction of the street around the street. By seeing sewing green, demolition of violations, and greening, it has built a number of small and fine street gardens, and gradually enhanced the coverage of green space service radius in urban parks. You can get close to green and enjoy nature. As of now, more than 50 beautiful provincial capital urban greening projects, including new parks and parks, have been completed and opened to citizens. Nowadays, at the end of the streets, the streets around the street have their own characteristics, adding more beauty to this city. Citizens swimming in the streets to fitness, bending, chatting, feeling the beauty of nature, and a happy smile on their faces.

Passing, extraordinary, shooting ... In the morning sun, citizens Xu Hongbin and golfers played at the football field of Zilong Sports Park. "You see, there is a great stadium! The lawn is very comfortable, and there are professional lighting facilities, which can also be played at night." Xu Hongbin said. In addition to the football field, Zilong Sports Park also has facilities such as table tennis, basketball courts, etc., which can meet the different needs of residents.

The city used the dismantling and retreat, the green space of the park, the idle land next to the street, and the city square to plan and build a large number of ball sports venues. This was also listed as one of the ten people's livelihood practices in Shijiazhuang in 2022. This year plans to build more than 200 ball sports venues, and 81 are currently completed. After the stadium was completed, everyone praised, and the enthusiasm for fitness was increasingly rising, effectively meeting the fitness needs of the general public, especially the ball sports enthusiasts, and greatly enhanced the vitality of the city.

Entering the Jinfeng Citizen Life Service Center in Chang'an District, I saw that there are many types of vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, and fruits. The results of the vegetable testing of the sampling of the day made everyone eat more assured.

Small market, big people's livelihood. The city will include the construction of the convenience market in one of the ten people's livelihood. With "convenience, benefit the people, and benefit the people" as the starting point, it is guided by improving people's livelihood and promoting consumption. "The convenience market and community convenience service center, strive to create a smart convenience market that integrates diverse service functions of life and" Internet+vegetable baskets ", so that community residents really enjoy more convenient, smarter, and more diverse. Convenience life service.

Over the past year, the city has vigorously created the "one -minute clock to the people's life circle", which has made citizens feel a strong sense of happiness and pride. As of now, all 15 convenience markets have been constructed, and six of them have been completed, and six have been completed in trial operations, and 9 are stepping up construction. All five community convenience service centers have started construction, and one of them has been completed. Fifteen convenience markets and 5 community convenience service centers are expected to be completed and put into use by the end of November. A few days ago, the Ministry of Commerce issued the "Announcement on the results of the pilot review results of the second batch of cities in the country", which is among Shijiazhuang. Our city will continue to build a stool people's life circle, build a convenient service chain, and enhance the happiness of people's livelihood.

The Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have also launched a series of new measures to improve people's livelihood: clean up and standardize parking lots, and increase the parking spaces for a large number of free and wrong time; open up the planning path and open up the city's operation "microcirculation"; comprehensively rectify and improve small streets and lanes to create boutique blocks; Remove 22.1 million square meters of private construction and illegal buildings to maintain the order and environment of urban construction ... Real innovative measures have made the masses truly see the changes and have been affordable.

Hard work to give life to life happiness

The implementation of the new policy of the people's livelihood is effective, and the people's livelihood is rooted. Happy life, tentacles can be, clearly visible.

Over the past year, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have attached great importance to, scientific decision -making, and thorough deployment, and have promoted the work of people's livelihood with unprecedented efforts to paint a colorful and remoted people's livelihood scroll.

Promoting the high -quality development of education is an objective requirement for improving the well -being of people's livelihood and enhancing urban carrier functions. It is also an inevitable choice to promote the construction of the provincial capital and high -quality development. The Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attached great importance to education, held a high -quality development conference in the city's science and technology, education, and health undertakings. , Development goals and task paths.

Actively integrate into the layout of new urban development and optimize the layout of high school resources. Relying on the city's first and secondary high -quality schools, it is planned to build a high -quality high -quality high school group outside the second ring. In 2022, a number of modern and international high -quality high school schools such as Shijiazhuang No. 1 Middle School, Shijiazhuang No.1 Middle School, and Shijiazhuang No. 2 Middle School, and Lucheng District, Luquan District High School Project projects were fully launched.

Through high -quality garden running new parks and high -quality schools to run school districts, further deepen a series of specific measures such as the management system of compulsory education school districts, establishing high -quality ordinary high schools and weak counties in the middle. Hui's preschool education, high -quality balanced compulsory education, and ordinary high school education with high -quality characteristics have become the main tasks of education systems. As of now, all the 13 public kindergarten newly -held kindergartens planned to be constructed this year have started, and nine have completed the main construction of the main body; the new reform and expansion projects of 109 compulsory education schools have been progressing smoothly, and 31 projects have been completed. In the first eight months of this year, the city created 105 inclusive private kindergartens, adding more than 19,000 inclusive degrees, and exceeded the annual target task in advance. The city also takes the lead in the province to carry out the pilot work of free custody services for primary school students in the province, and sign up for 13,035 students. In 2022, the overall results of the city's college entrance examination achieved the leading province, and the number of students in the province ranked first in the province. Education's high -quality development has achieved initial results. The city's preschool education, compulsory education, general high education, and private education inclusive high -quality, balanced and diversified development have improved significantly. In order to build a high -level teacher professional growth platform, the Municipal Government and the National Academy of Education have signed the "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement". The advantages of high -end platforms and resources promote the cultivation of famous teachers and principals in Shijiazhuang City, and build a high -end talent training system for education in the new era.

The city has continued to promote the high quality of health and health, and provides solid health guarantees for accelerating the construction of modernization and international beautiful provincial capitals. The Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued the "High -quality Development Plan for High -quality Development of Shijiazhuang City", which enhanced the health and well -being of the masses, so that the people of the provincial capitals can gain a sense of happiness, happiness, and security. The Shijiazhuang People's Hospital was listed "Shijiazhuang Hospital of Peking University" and officially opened. The construction of the National Regional Medical Center made substantial progress. The overall medical level and service capabilities of the city have achieved a new leap in foreign cooperation. New results have been achieved; the three new key projects of the Municipal Infectious Disease Emergency Salvation Center, Municipal Child Disease Prevention Center, and Municipal Disease Prevention and Control Center are promoted in an orderly manner. The full construction and construction of key projects such as traditional Chinese medicine inheritance and innovation projects such as traditional Chinese medicine, and new progress has been made in the expansion of medical resources; a total of 15 community hospitals have been built, and 27 township -level grass -roots health medical institutions have reached the recommendation standard for service grassroots. , 168 community health service stations have reached the basic standards, and grass -roots medical and health service capabilities have jumped to a new level; 50 high -level national medical halls have been built, and 50 high -level professional titles expert teams for traditional Chinese medicine have been established to implement the "one hospital, one characteristic". Relying on the promotion of the practical effects of the traditional Chinese medicine hospitals above the six levels, 33 Chinese medicine appropriate technologies, the ability of grassroots traditional Chinese medicine services has been greatly improved, and new steps have taken the innovation of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance; 5 provincial health promotion demonstration counties (districts) and 14 provincial health promotion hospitals. The construction of health Shijiazhuang has created a new situation; solid and effectively promoted the people's livelihood project for free HPV vaccine for girls 14 years old. The 14 -year -old girl 56,144 girls with the willingness of the domestic 2 -price HPV vaccine, and all of them have completed the second dose of vaccination ...

"This is the family pension bed that the government sent us to the family. You see, like the hospital's care bed, it can be lifted, there are guardrails, and it is equipped with a 'one -button' call system!" Cao Gaizhi showed a happy smile on his face.

The city continues to advance the practical lives that are closely related to the elderly, increase the guarantee of people's livelihood, and strive to meet the growing demand for diversified pension services for the elderly. In 2022, Shijiazhuang City, as the first batch of pilot cities to implement the basic pension service projects of home and communities in the country, in accordance with the "professional institution+aging transformation+informatization transformation" model, the city has successively installed and constructed 3,500 household pension bed positions. The task of completing the home appropriate aging transformation of 3964 special difficulties has greatly alleviated the difficulties of urban and rural families' elderly care, and solved the worries of many families.

The urgency of the people's livelihood, the bottom of the people's livelihood. Our city strives to implement the pilot project of infant care pilots. All 25 infant care pilots in the city have passed the municipal evaluation. At the same time, actively do a good job in the recruitment institution. As of now, the city's filing of infant care institutions has reached 199, the maximum number of custody reached 25,481, and the number of custody per 1,000 population has reached 2.39.

A small step in people's livelihood, a big step in happiness. One by one, one year, one year and one year. The relay stick of people's livelihood is continuously transmitted. It has been contributed for a long time.

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