Snowfield plateau, science and technology aid hidden footsteps and powerful

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.08.11

On August 5, 2022, the signing ceremony of the Science and Technology Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region and the "Science and Technology Cooperation" of Changjiang University was held in Lhasa. This contract is that Yangtze University brings technology into Tibet, fulfilling the mission of technology aid and industrial aid, and helping the Snow Highlifice scientific and technological innovation to achieve sustainable and high -quality development.

Like Changjiang University, as more and more universities' "group groups" -style science and technology aid in Tibet have joined, the basic conditions of Tibet's scientific research have continued to improve, the research and development capabilities have been significantly enhanced, and the comprehensive quality of scientific and technological talents has improved significantly. The scientific and technological aid projects are rooted in the Tibetan projects, and the results of the results are concluded and injecting high -quality development for the snowy plateau to achieve high -quality development.

The picture shows the Tibetan Namu Water Plant Industrial Poverty Alleviation Construction Project built by the Beijing Municipal Aid Tibetan Working Team, which further enhances the comprehensive strength and competitiveness of the male characteristic industries.

Gathering strength and make full use of science and technology to support the resources

280,000 fresh eggs daily, 35,000 tons of organic fertilizer, occupied the markets of Shannan, Lhasa, Linzhi, Wuhan and other markets ... This is the ninth batch of Hubei Province's support for the industrial aid of Tibet in Tibet. The current production of Hongnong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd..

Industrial aid is inseparable from scientific and technological support. Since the beginning of Shannan City, Tibet Autonomous Region in 2016, the ninth batch of Tibetan work teams in Hubei Province proposed the work idea of ​​"a leading industry, a leading enterprise, a batch of supporting enterprises, a scientific research institute, and a full industry chain".

"With the help of the scientific research team, our chicken seedlings survival rate and egg production rate have increased to 97%and 96%, respectively." Zhang Bo, general manager of Tibet Hong Agricultural Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. said with emotion, "In the plateau, there is no scientific research in the plateau. The support and cooperation of strength is not good. "

The picture shows the Shandong Provincial Aid Tibetan Working Team introduced a comprehensive photovoltaic+energy storage comprehensive demonstration project built by Shandong Shuifa Group in Sangzuzi District, Shigatse City, and is the largest photovoltaic energy storage project in Tibet.

In order to promote the healthy growth of enterprises, Hubei Province has formulated the "Three -Year Action Plan for Science and Technology Aid Tibet in Hubei Province". By the implementation of the top ten key scientific and technological aid projects, strive to provide powerful scientific and technological support for industrial aid and other efforts through three years of hard work. He Yunsong, the ninth batch of cadres in Hubei Province and deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Shannan Municipal Party Committee, told reporters that more than 10 universities, scientific research institutions, and enterprises such as Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan Union Hospital, and Anqi Group have already settled in Shannan to carry out scientific and technological aid Essence

Strengthen cooperation support and help high -quality development

In recent years, with the strong support of the central ministries and commissions and the aid provinces and cities of Tibet, the Science and Technology Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region has actively cooperated with all parties to support Tibet to jointly focus on the key technology issues in the upgrade of traditional industries and strategic emerging industries in the snowy plateau. Reachness, deepening industry -university -research cooperation, and promoting the transfer and transformation of scientific research results, have achieved a series of new breakthroughs.

The National Sichuan -Tibet Railway Technology Innovation Center (Tibet), the first national technology innovation center, was approved. Co., Ltd. Construction of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tibetan Hydropower Technology Innovation Center ... The central ministries and commissions and various parties to Tibetan provinces and cities give Tibet's scientific and technological innovation work as much as possible, care, and support. Technical guidance and industrial development, realize the transformation from arrangement of projects, implementation of funds, talent training, intellectual aid to instilling ideas and teaching methods, and improve the endogenous motivation of Tibet's scientific and technological innovation and development in a more flexible way.

The picture shows the trial promotion base of Binda Township, Wuqi County, which is aided by the Chongqing Municipal Aid Working Team, and uses the scientific research force of the Chongqing Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Institute to create a high -pine artist test promotion base.

Li Jiafeng, Director of the Regional Innovation and Achievement Transformation Division of the Science and Technology Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region, told a reporter from the Science and Technology Daily that it was precisely because of the strong implementation of scientific and technological aid and scientific and technological cooperation, focusing on the major needs of national science and technology strategies and regional development, actively deepening the scientific and technological cooperation mechanism of the East and West, guiding innovation The orderly flowing and efficient agglomeration across regions, Tibet's scientific and technological innovation has a new situation of leapfrog development today.

The results landed, benefiting the snowy plateau, the masses

Establish 1 national key laboratory, 1 national technical innovation center, 2 National Clinical Medical Research Center Sub -Center, 1 National Sustainable Development Experimental Zone, 1 National Innovation City, and National -level " Two "Double Innovation" Demonstration Bases ... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, science and technology have supported the results of the hiding.

Statistics show that during the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the Ministry of Science and Technology supported more than 200 Tibetan scientific and technological development projects, and each counter -in -Tibetan provinces and cities implemented more than 170 science and technology projects in Tibet. "Border", each major event has the support of the central ministries and commissions and the major scientific and technological projects of Tibetan provinces and cities. The group -style "science popularization aid" led by the Ministry of Science and Technology brings together the best popular science resources in the country; the majority of centralized funds for the central science and technology development funds that have been allocated to Tibet over the years are used to support cooperative projects jointly related to mainland scientific research institutions, universities, and enterprises. ; Tibet is currently being promoted by the top ten science and technology platforms.

The picture shows the Gal County Ecological Agricultural Park, which is aid in the Shaanxi Provincial aid team, effectively enhanced the self -sufficient rate of vegetables and fruits in Shiquanhe Town.

Chief of the Science and Technology Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region said: In the future, the Science and Technology Department of the Autonomous Region will in -depth implementation of the 6 innovative areas and 16 innovation areas and 16 of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" scientific and technological innovation planning deployment with the assistance of the central ministries and commissions and cities.Innovate direction, implement the key scientific and technological innovation tasks of 8 major special groups, deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system and mechanism, continue to serve the implementation of major national strategic tasks, accelerate the construction of innovation platforms, strengthen the construction of scientific and technological talents, deepen scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges, continue to stimulate innovationThe subjective vitality and strive to create a high -level highland of high -tech innovation.In the snowy plateau, the footsteps of science and technology aid will be more powerful.

(Source: Science and Technology Daily Reporter: Yang Yuhang's pictures are provided by the respondents)

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