Changsha Nanya community carried out "summer care for cooling, healthy smile often accompanied" oral free clinic activity

Author:Golden Eagle News Time:2022.08.11

Correspondent Liang Wenqian

In order to popularize the knowledge of oral health and improve the awareness of oral health care in residents, and promote the traditional Chinese virtues of respecting the elderly, loving the elderly, and helping the elderly, on August 10, the party branch of the Nanya Community of Dongshan Street, Yuhua District, Yuhua District, Changsha City, and the new era civilization practice station In the Wells Club House Pension Service Center, the Yabekang Valley Hospital was invited to carry out the oral free clinic of "Summer Care for Cool, Healthy Smile Combat".

At the beginning of the event, Qingqing, staff member of Yabekang Stomatological Hospital, explained the relevant knowledge of oral health, daily health care, dental prevention protection, common sense of dental care for the elderly, and oral disease prevention. Answer tooth questions. Subsequently, the dentist performed free oral examination, oral odor testing, full oral dental disease system examination and treatment for the elderly in the community. Many oral problems were found. Periodontitis and other issues. At the end of the activity, dentists also issued a free examination form for residents, and reminded the majority of residents to conduct oral examinations on a regular basis, early detection, early diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases. "There are a lot of teeth problems, so come to ask the doctor. I really thank the community for this activity for our elderly and the province to go to the hospital." Grandma Yi, the resident of the community, said happily.

Subsequently, the staff and volunteers of the Fulun Club were carefully cooked on the hands of the old man, and the high temperature that continued to rise for many days was turned into cool at this moment. Facing the sincere condolences of the staff, the old people were very moved by the old people very moved. , Lianlian like.

The oral free clinic activity has really been sent to the community and allows residents to enjoy real oral health services. A bowl of mung bean soup, set up a warm heart bridge and love bridge of the community and residents, and sent warmth and coolness to the residents of the community.

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