The father was unable to pick up the Urumqi citizen to send Weibo for help and the result was warm Time:2022.08.11

Pomegranate/Xinjiang Daily reporter Ren Chunxiang

"From my Weibo for help, the staff of the People's Government of Tianshan District sent my father to home, about 3 hours before and after, it was really efficient and intimate!" On August 11, Zhu Hong, citizen of Urumqi. Just the day before, temporary static management measures were implemented in key urban areas in Urumqi. Zhu Hong could not pick up his father who was discharged from the hospital on the day. The staff of Tianshan District People's Government quickly responded quickly, contacted multiple parties, coordinated the vehicle, and sent her father back to Family.

The 25 -year -old Zhu Hongjia lived in Jin Shengyuan Community, Henan East Road. On July 30, his father living in Qinghe County, Altay area came to the People's Hospital of the Autonomous Region due to heart disease. After a period of treatment, his father's condition improved and was scheduled to be discharged from the morning of August 10. On the morning of the 10th, temporary static management measures in key urban areas in Urumqi were unable to rush to the hospital.

"I was anxious that morning. I communicated with the hospital staff and said that I could send a car to the airport or the train station, but I was worried about my father's physical condition. Send him back in a few days. I contacted the community staff again, and the staff immediately said that he would coordinate to help me solve it as soon as possible. "Zhu Hong said.

After receiving the response from the community staff, Zhu Hong's heart was slightly stable, but thought that his father had been hospitalized for more than ten days after all. At this time, he was waiting for his emotions alone in the ward alone. Enthusiastic people ask for help. Unexpectedly, more than half an hour later, she received a call from the staff of the Tianshan District People's Government.

On August 10, the father of Wu Hong, a citizen of Urumqi, was discharged from the hospital. After coordinating and contacting the staff of the Tianshan District People's Government, her father was successfully sent home. Then she sent the matter on the Internet to express her gratitude. The figure above shows the communication record provided by Zhu Hong

After the call, she had a anxious mood and relaxed. At the same time as the staff coordinated, the medical staff of the father's ward also helped him to clean up the items and prepare for discharge.

The vehicle has been in place! The car has arrived at the hospital! Medical staff sent his father to the agreed location! The staff received his father! The car arrives at the community! ... The staff has always been in touch with Zhu Hong, because of the hot weather, the staff also thoughtfully reminded her to wait for the vehicle to go to the hospital, and then let her father go out. After receiving his father, the staff also prepared mineral water for him. At 16:00, his father finally returned home.

Wang Wenqiang, a staff member of the Tianshan District People's Government of Zhu Hong's father, told reporters that after the key urban area of ​​Urumqi implemented temporary static management measures, Tianshan District attaches great importance to and pays attention to the special group that needs help. I got in touch with her as soon as possible, understand the situation, and quickly coordinate to help her solve practical difficulties.

After his father returned home smoothly, Zhu Hong sent the incident on the Internet, thanking everyone who helped her, and soon received praise and comments from netizens. Netizen "Yifan, One San 1114" said: "The ruthless person is affectionate and can always be moved by things around him. This world is warm."

Zhu Hong said, "I didn't expect this to solve it so quickly. Thank you very much for the epidemic prevention staff. In special periods difficulty."

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