Help others cheat more than 10 million demolition funds, two public officials are sentenced to sentence!

Author:Chinese law Time:2022.08.11


Beijing Court Judgment Information Network

Announce a criminal judgment

Because of the demolition work

There are situations such as defrauding national demolition funds and so on

Two public officials were sentenced

The reporter learned from the judgment that the two defendants in the case were Li Mouqi, the former deputy township chief of the former village of Shibaidian Township, Chaoyang District, Beijing, and the former deputy section chief Zhang Mou, the former deputy section chief of the house collection affairs center, Li Mouqi, and Li Mouqi The crime of crime of fraud and abuse of power was decided to execute 13 years in prison. Zhang had committed fraud and bribery.

In this case, both public officials were convicted of fraud by the court. According to the judgment, according to the court's trial, the defendants Li Mouqi and Zhang used the convenience of their positions from 2016 to 2017 to make Xiao Mou (separately handled by the case) of Hongshan Market Co., Ltd. The compensation funds have a certificate of confirmation, and the two -level organization of the countryside will be confirmed to confirm the right to expand the area of ​​illegal market illegal markets as the demolition area, thereby deceiving the national demolition compensation for a total of more than 15.19 million yuan. Among them, the defendant Li Mouqi scored 500,000 yuan, and the defendant Zhang Mou got 70,000 yuan.

In addition, the defendant Li Mouqi was identified as the crime of abuse of power. From November 2015 to April 2016, the defendant Li Mouqi was in charge of compensation for the levy of the temple project in the deputy township chief of the people's government of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township of the Township, and knew that Park Mou (in the process of recruitment of residential houses in the project ( The handling of other cases) The rights of the house within the scope of demolition are controversial, and they still agree to issue a certificate of confirmation for Park, identify Park as the requisitioned person, and identify the house without the ownership of the ownership. More than 6 million yuan in compensation for demolition.

The defendant Zhang also committed bribery. According to the court's determination, from 2016 to 2017, Zhang used the convenience of the post of deputy section chiefs of the charging center of Chaoyang District, and Zhou Mou, a staff member of the Beijing Tenglong Demolition Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Tenglong Company), was collected. Human division households, certification certificates of major illness subsidies, and required evaluation companies to help provide help to provide help to provide help. They have received a total of 50,000 yuan for the gratitude fee given by Zhou. On August 19, 2020, the defendant Li Mouqi took the initiative to commit the case after receiving the phone call. In October 2020, the Chaoyang District Supervision Committee of Beijing detained the defendant Li Mouqi more than 2.62 million yuan and transferred 500,000 yuan as a criminal income to the procuratorial organs. The defendant Zhang took the initiative to commit the case on August 19, 2020, truthfully confessed the facts of fraud crimes, and took the initiative to explain the fact that the criminal crime of bribery that had not yet mastered the case handling agency. In January 2021, the defendant Zhang's family membership was 120,000 yuan on behalf of the illegal income.

The court believes that the defendants Li Mouqi and Zhang Mou and Xiao Mou with illegal possession, fictional facts, concealing the truth, and jointly deceived the collection compensation. As a staff member of the state organs abuse his power, Li Mouqi has suffered a major loss of public property. His behavior has constituted the crime of abuse of power, and the circumstances are particularly serious. The defendant Zhang is a state staff. The amount is large, and the benefits for others have constituted a crime of bribery.

In view of the fact that the defendant Li Mouqi arrived automatically, the trial truthfully confess the main criminal facts, refund the of illegal income, and the loss caused by the abuse of power; , Returned illegal income; all the loss of fraud and crime has been restored. Therefore, the court punished the defendant Li Mouqi in accordance with the law, reduced the crime of fraud by the defendant Zhang, and punished him lightly from the crime of bribery.

In the end, according to the court's judgment, the defendant Li Mouqi was convicted of fraud and was sentenced to twelve years in prison and fined RMB 120,000; And fined RMB 120,000. The defendant Zhang was convicted of fraud and sentenced to five years in prison and fined 50,000 yuan. And fined RMB 150,000.

Source: Beijing Daily

Reporter: Xu Huiyao

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