Quanzhou: Implement 2128 fishing vessels in Fuxing Fishing and Fisheries Resources to get subsidies

Author:Quanzhou Evening News Time:2022.08.12

Quanzhou Evening News · Quanzhou Tong Client August 12 (Quanzhou Evening News reporter Xie Xi) Reporters learned from the Quanzhou Marine and Fishery Bureau that as of the end of July, Quanzhou has completed the provincial fishery resource maintenance subsidy funds to issue 2128 ships and distribute it. The subsidy was nearly 176 million yuan, and the progress of the distribution ranks among the forefront of the province.

It is understood that since 2021, Quanzhou has implemented the policy of marine fishery resource maintenance subsidies, and was distributed in accordance with the two indicators of fishing and responsible fishing in the ocean voltage season. Among them, the marine velus season fishing index refers to the relevant provisions of the fishing boat execution of the national marine voltage season fishing system (including independent fishing rest), which reflects the effectiveness of reducing fishing strength; responsible fishing indicators refer to the implementation of the fishing vessels in and out of the port report, the monitoring of the ship position, and the fishing of fishing. The management measures such as fishing logs, product legality labels, aquatic wildlife protection, etc., reflect the effectiveness of maintaining fishery resources.

The marine fishery resource maintenance subsidy policy adopts post -subsidy methods to appropriately subsidize the marine fishing system strictly implemented the maritime -saving season fishing system and responsible fishing system measures in the previous year and the responsible fishing system. In December 2021, the province issued the city's fishery resource maintenance subsidy of 190 million yuan in 2020. In February 2022, the province launched the organization and distribution of organizations, which involved 2,356 fishing vessels in our city. All counties (cities, districts) and Quanzhou Taiwanese business investment district fishery authorities register a number of business backbones, overtime, and penetrate the fishing port and fishing areas. Go to fishing boat subsidies.

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