Haikou in Hainan: The first batch of 660 staying passengers took the opportunity to leave the islands to return

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.08.12

According to the Publicity Department of Hainan Haikou Municipal Party Committee, in the early morning of August 12, the first batch of 660 passengers who stayed in Haikou to take the plane from Haikou Meilan International Airport and took 5 flights to Guangzhou, Changsha, Shanghai, Nanjing, etc.land.

Haikou's new coronary virus pneumonia's epidemic prevention and control work headquarters issued an announcement on the 11th, and the eligible trapped passengers will be classified in batches from August 11.After filling in the information on the "Qiong Application" column of the Hainan Health Code Homepage, the staying information is submitted to the islands, and Haikou will arrange for the area, time and capacity.

Sichuan Observation (Source: CCTV News Client)

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