Xing Ye Chi Aid!207 people in Jiangsu aid anti -epidemic medical staff arrived in Lhasa

Author:Jiangsu News Time:2022.08.12

In the middle of the night on the 11th, Jiangsu aid -Tibetan anti -epidemic medical team arrived in Lhasa. According to reports, a total of 207 people in Jiangsu Aid -Tibet Anti -Epidemic Medical Teams came this time, including sampling, nucleic acid testing, flow tone, medical treatment, hospital management, and equipment guarantee.

According to reports, when he heard that there was an epidemic in Tibet, Jiangsu immediately organized the hard work of hard work. In response to the problems and shortcomings of the Lhasa epidemic, the organization was arranged in time to support it. "The Suzang family, we must do our best to contribute to the power of Jiangsu to defeat the epidemic in Tibet." Said the relevant responsible comrades of the medical team.

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