With this thinking, you can do your job well

Author:Huaihua People's Broadcasting Time:2022.08.12

Thinking ability determines work ability, and the way of thinking determines the way of behavior. Systematic thinking is a way of thinking about overall, critical, and long -term issues, and emphasizes a full understanding and grasp of the overall situation. To improve systemic thinking, it is necessary to spend your mind and effort on the forward -looking, foresight, overallity and accuracy of work.

Historical thinking is the ability to control the overall situation. Historical thinking is to learn from the past, and be good at using historical perspectives to observe the laws of development, grasp the direction of progress, and guide the real work. There is a very appropriate words in "The Three Kingdoms" describing history: "The mirror is the same, and the ancient things are known to the present." The ancients often compared history to mirrors. This metaphorical image vividly reflects the reference of history. With history as a mirror, you can recognize the present and clarify the future. Our party has always attached great importance to the study and summary of historical laws, and the reference and use of historical experience. Grasp historical trends, cultivate historical vision, raise the historical telescope to grasp the trend of progress, analyze realistic problems, and truly achieve the uniform work in the past and the future work.

Dialectical thinking is the ability to grasp the core. Dialectical thinking refers to the scientific way of thinking about the use of materialist dialectics and solving problems, which is the fundamental method of Marxist philosophy. Dialectical thinking must adhere to the dialectical unity of "two -point theory" and "key theory". This requires that we must know everything from the "two points theory". We insist on using contradiction analysis methods to understand and analyze the problems. We can see the phenomenon and the essence of the phenomenon. By chance, seeing opportunities and challenges, seeing both grades and difficulties. Only in this way can we ensure the comprehensiveness of the cognition and prevent one -sidedness. At the same time, dialectical thinking requires us to be good at finding the main contradictions in many contradictions. Specific to actual work is that they are good at grasping the overall situation and good at finding focusing, both emphasize comprehensive advancement and emphasize key breakthroughs. Only by combining two aspects can we ensure that the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of various tasks can be ensured, and the ability to control the complex situation can be improved.

The bottom line thinking is the key ability to solve the problem. The bottom line thinking is a problem -oriented thinking. In the new era, whether there is a sense of problem, whether it can be guided in the work, and solve practical problems, test the ability level of leading cadres, and test whether they really have bottom -line thinking. Leading cadres can be keenly discovered and solved various practical problems in order to truly keep the "bottom line" and ensure that various tasks are operating in the right track. This is the focus of adhering to the bottom line thinking.

Innovative thinking is the ability of leading cadres to be brave. Innovative thinking refers to the process of thinking in solving problems in a novel and independent method. From January 4th to February 5th, 1927, Comrade Mao Zedong, accompanied by Dai Shu's people, hiked 700 kilometers, with footprints and Xiangtan, Xiangxiang, Hengshan, Fuling, and Changsha. , Holding various types of survey meetings, obtained valuable first -hand materials. After this investigation, Comrade Mao Zedong even affirmed the role of farmers in the Chinese revolution, indicating that the problem of farmers determines the overall situation of the Chinese revolution. It is necessary to let go of farmers, organizations, and farmers in order to achieve the revolutionary victory. As a way of thinking, innovative thinking has a particularly important significance and role in leading cadres. Especially in the face of the new process of deepening reforms, the top -level design must be implemented at the grassroots level. Leading cadres must use innovative thinking to explore "micro -reforms", so as to meet the central spirit principles, "dare to try dare to try and try local conditions" ", Accumulate steps, Huixiao flow, release reform dividends.

Promoting a unit of high -quality development is a systematic project. It must be systematically grasped, integrated, and coordinated, strengthened systemic thinking, planned with systemic concepts, and promoted the implementation of various tasks.

(Author Unit: Political Work Department of the Seventh Medical Center of the General Hospital of the PLA)

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