Home improvement designer, who choose a small beard or a small braid?

Author:Top news Time:2022.08.12

Dahe Daily · Yu Video Reporter Chu Tianshu

Most men who seem to be engaged in art work like to be bid for new and set up in personal shapes, and must be said to be very common. As far as home costume designers are concerned, in our impression, the image of being bearded in the first time, or the image of small braids, seems to be a more professional feeling.

So, is this really the case in reality? Is the designer who must have to be sent out, must it be a "tall person"? Those designers with simple appearance and refreshing face must be unpredictable? We might as well listen to how people in the design industry judge. The Dahe News reporter recently interviewed Chen Jiantao, the manager of Henan Outdo -Fan Decoration Garden Road store, and asked him to talk about how to judge the level of a home improvement designer and how to choose the home improvement designer that suits him.

Why do many designers have to make up and get hair?

Is the level of beard and pigtails high?

In the design industry, there is a playful word called "the designer has three good (HAO, four voices): long hair, beard and bald scoop". It seems that these three images are the "mainstream configuration" of the designer. So why is there such a "prejudice"?

"As far as my personal seeing and hearing, the reason why designers will have to be must -have and get hair are often because they don't have time to take care of themselves, because the profession of designer is really too busy. Later Time pushes, the habit forms, the beard and hair are slowly stored, and it has become a more common phenomenon in an industry. "Chen Jiantao said.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, deliberately. In order to pursue individuality, some designers express their distinctive attitude and deliberately store their storage, because the design itself is an industry that requires individuality, and many designers also need others to identify their independence. Fa also became a choice that showed personality.

So, can little beard and small braid be a reference for judging the level of designer?

"Of course not!" Chen Jiantao said with a smile, not all designers are beard, small braids, little beard and pigtails are not the sign of the designer level, nor can it be the basis for the owner to choose the designer.

Chen Jiantao added that in the design industry, the most important law is "getting older and more fragrant." "After the designer has enough experience, the judgment of things, the practicality and comfort of decoration, and the soft dress matching in the later period will become better and better. Therefore, it is often young designer. , I will care about my external image, and the real big -name designer is actually very simple and simple, that is, we often say the "Avenue to Jane and Cute", if you are tangled, you choose a beard It can only show that your heart is not calm enough. "

Why must I find a designer?

Is there a "genre classification" within the design industry?

"Decoration is not like you buy items. For example, if you buy a mobile phone, it is a finished product with a fixed configuration, but the decoration is a systematic project. As an owner, in the face of such a complex system, there is no way to start at all. This requires designers to serve you, because professional people do professional matters. "

In Chen Jiantao's view, a truly qualified designer cannot just know the knowledge in books, because the designer needs too much things in practice.

When many owners come to decorate, they will point out a picture and ask, can you make my house like this? This requires the designer to disassemble the combination from all aspects, integrate the various elements that the owner wants, and echo each other. Therefore, in addition to their own professional knowledge, designers must also master many other knowledge, such as traditional culture, color use, construction technology, and the characteristics of different home appliances, and even budget costs and psychology, which have become a "miscellaneous family", from from Main materials control, budget control, space planning, functional layout, and soft furnishings and style coordination, the entire set of processes are rational, in order to do a good job of decoration design.

Even so, not every designer can control all styles. Because different designers have different understanding of different styles, each designer will have the category they are good at. Some are good at large space and large -style design, and some are good at simple, small and fresh style design.

As far as the extraordinary decoration is concerned, every owner will visit, and the extraordinary customer service staff will first ask the basic situation of the owner's apartment area, style positioning, decoration budget and other basic situations, and then recommend the designer to the owner, and the corresponding designer encounter When you like your favorite style, you will be more handy, and the effect is easier.

How to choose a designer more suitable for you?

Remember these four suggestions!

For most owners, the decoration of the new house can be followed. So, how should the owner choose the designer who is more suitable for him? Chen Jiantao gave three suggestions.

First, be sure to find a designer who "matches" yourself. "The meaning of this matching is to understand you. The view of you and the designer's view of things is" to the road ". As soon as your ideas are said, even if you only say half a word, the designer understands you. Meaning, such designers often designed the work to do your heart. "

"We have a lot of customers, and we will be emotional when I go to the extraordinary, saying that I have ran so many stores, and finally encounters a designer who can understand me. What I want to understand, I said, he immediately understood. The 'frequency' is right. "Second, we must fully communicate with the designer, the better the exchange. "To what extent? For example, you go home and open the door, get used to putting the key with your left hand, or putting the key in your right hand, you must tell the designer. Only you talk about your needs. The more appropriate the effect is. "

All the design is people -oriented. First of all, we must meet the needs of the owner's living function, and then the later soft furnishings, craftsmanship and other aspects. Designers must create more stylish and more fashionable works on the premise of people -oriented. We often encounter such a situation in our lives: Many owners will find some small regrets after completing the decoration, such as there is a missing socket here, there are more tables there, although these regrets are difficult to be difficult It is completely avoided, but the more meticulous the early communication, the less this kind of regret will be.

Third, find designers with experience experience. A good designer must be a "living home". With enough experience of life experience, you can quickly understand the problem of the owner, and even take the initiative to think of the problems that the owner has not noticed, and quickly give reasonable suggestions, and finally make a solution that allows you to live comfortably at home.

The fourth is to find a designer with reputation, big brand company. After all, the platform is different, and the level and vision are different. The designer is a profession that pays special attention to experience. The higher the platform, the more cases dealt with, and more experience. Take Henan Outvoyance, it has been standing in the Henan home improvement market for 27 years. It has always been the leading company in the industry, and from the feedback from customers, the level of super designer is indeed higher than many other platforms. Henan Superford Decoration has an extraordinary design college, a "reserve military echelon". Every year, a group of outstanding designer talents have entered extraordinary talents, ensuring that the steady stream of talent input is unique in Zhengzhou's home improvement companies. Another is 27 years since its establishment. There are tens of thousands of customers who have served. The accumulated cases are rich and experienced. It is also unparalleled by other companies.

"Word of mouth and brand can not come out by self -sale. It is accumulated over the years. Only the big brands and old brands that have undergone the test of time can be recognized by the reputation of the people, so it is even more trustworthy." Chen Jiantao said.

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