After the adjustment measures for international flights, the Baiyun Border Inspection has made every effort to respond to the recovery of international passenger flow

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.08.12

The reporter learned from Baiyun's entry and exit border inspection station on August 12 that the passenger flow of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport's international flights reached a new high since the epidemic of new crown pneumonia. In July, nearly 80,000 entry and exit personnel inspected Baiyun Border Inspection Station increased by about 11%year -on -year and 6.1%from June. Keeping growth for 6 months.

As of the end of July, this year Baiyun International Airport Port opened or restored 15 international routes, and 1 new international passenger transportation point was added. Today, through Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, 39 international and regional passenger air points in the world can be saved, covering multiple countries in the world.

It is understood that the Civil Aviation Administration of China has optimized and adjusted the melting measures of international regular passenger flights from August 7. According to the new fusion policy, the flight interrupt cycle has been reduced from up to 8 weeks to a maximum of 4 weeks and a minimum of 2 weeks to a minimum of 1 week. The sharp shortening of the fuse cycle indicates that the fuse policy of international flights has been further relaxed, and it has significantly promoted flight recovery. At present, many domestic and foreign airlines have announced their plan to restore or encrypted routes in Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia, Europe and the United States.

In order to better cope with the pressure of international passenger flow and ensure the safety and efficiency of ports, the Baiyun Border Inspection Station has developed a work plan in advance to optimize the adjustment of service management measures. At present, Baiyun Border Inspection stands on the port to implement a 24 -hour passenger flow dynamic monitoring and early warning, improve the port police reinforcement mechanism, comprehensively optimize the inspection process, and refine the dynamic increase or decrease implementation plan. The station also studied and judged and analyzed in advance, actively connected to the airport airline and joint inspection units, and strengthened the information sharing mechanism.

"Since July this year, the average daily passenger flow of Baiyun Airport Port has continued to rise, which has increased by more than 30 % from the first half of this year." Said Niu Jiankang, a police officer of the Baiyun Border Inspection Station, "The command center continuously monitors the passenger flow, timely adjust and open the verification channel And enable the spare passage in a timely manner to strictly implement the promise of Chinese citizens' queues for no more than 30 minutes to maximize the demand for entry and exit passengers and flight customs clearance. "

As international flights have resumed operations, the passenger flow of entry and exit has continued to rise, and the pressure of “external defense input” in the port of airport ports has also increased. The Baiyun Border Inspection Station continues to strengthen the special service special service of the "two -point first -line" small unit independent operations, improves the emergency plan and disposal measures of related epidemic risk, and strengthen the training assessment and supervision of the first -tier duty personnel to implement the requirements of epidemic prevention requirements. The weaving epidemic prevention and control of the national gate defense line.

"All personnel must pass the strict epidemic prevention theory and practical assessment to enter the 'closed -loop' venue to participate in their duty, so as to keep the epidemic prevent and control safety strings at all times." Yu said.

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Zhang Danyang Correspondent: Deng Chao, Liang Dongtu/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Qiu Weirong Correspondent: Li Fengjun Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Editor: Zhang Yingwu

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