[Said the winner] Singing the "answer" in his heart

Author:Righteous network Time:2022.06.17

Recently, the results of the selection of "Youth Procuratorate · Singing 'My Answer" "The selection of the MV concept of the People's Procuratorate was announced. What do the creators feel during the planning process? How to complete a MV creation? Let's listen to their "answers" together.

Sing the "answer" in your heart

Lin Shuya (Director MV)

The "minimalist" band of the Jimei District Procuratorate of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, five members advocate fairness and justice and pursue personality and diverse experience. Ding Xueying, deputy director of the office, served as the band captain, lead singer and guitarist; the bailiff Chen Xin, the lead singer and the bassist; Xie Xinxin, a prosecutor of the fifth procuratorial department, served as the keyboard player; Hand; Lin Shuya, a propaganda officer of the Political Department, served as the director of "My Answer" MV shooting director. Come and listen to the feelings of the band members.

Lord and guitarist Ding Xueying: The solid and powerful piano sounds intertwined with magnificent string, which stimulates my tide; The prosecutor's Hao Ran was expressed vividly; the lyrics of poetry rhymes still existed, and the lyrics of the liver and gallbladder brought me an unbearable movement. These feelings have made me a cover of cover and singing the "answer" in our hearts. The song of this song requires a lot of courage, and the height of Zhou Shen is often discouraged. Before recording, I went through a piece of vocal training to complete the interpretation.

The lead singer and bassist Chen Xin: When I heard this song, I determined that this is our song, which sang our love for the procuratorial career. It was very excited when receiving the singing task, and at the same time, it was also very headache. It was difficult for Fujian people to sing rap, and boys singing E -tune was even more terrible. After many exercises, it finally overcome the difficulties.

The keyboardist Xie Xinxin: This is a powerful and warm song, with a fine lyrics, more emotions. Whenever you see children who are going to take astray, children who have been suppressed or invaded are distressed. What should I do to give children a good childhood? My answer is to devote enthusiasm to the unpredictable career.

Guitarist Chen Qidong: The chivalrous spirit in this song made me bloody. When I learned that the band was about to shoot MV, I was excited and uneasy. I did n’t see the samples.

Director Lin Shuya: I thought I could lie flat first after shooting. I did not expect that later production was the source of happiness. After listening to the original singing hundreds of times, I also heard the band singing hundreds of times, and the audio was modified more than a dozen versions before and after. When making videos, Ba may not put all the "four major procuratorials" and "top ten business".

Scan the QR code and view "My Answer" MV

Write the answer sheet in ordinary work

Zhang Yuan (MV planning)

The song "My Answer" expresses the determination of the prosecutor's courage and punishment for evil. He uses firm beliefs to pursue fairness and justice, and protect the people with the feelings of redness. Fairness and justice is not the slogan of coldness. The prosecutor is the bright lamp that guards the people in the darkness. It passs the enthusiasm to pass the light and heat.

Following the scene of work when humming, it has stimulated our creative inspiration. Creativity stems from the real experience of the player. In the film, the protagonist Xiao Zhong represents the young prosecutor who has just stepped into the procuratorial organs. It coincides with a keynote speech contest, and Xiao Zhong, who was first arrived, encountered writing bottlenecks when preparing for a speech. How should the prosecutor adhere to faith, maintain justice, and protect the people? After turning over the book, Xiao Zhong was still very confused. When she went to work a day, she looked up at the national emblem shining in the sun, so she fell into thought. The section chief saw her distress and reminded her to understand the departments at various departments. In the end, she was inspired by various business lines in accordance with the law, guarding the people with affection, and promoting social governance. She completed a wonderful speech with the theme "My answer". The direction of effort.

When we produced MVs, we not only talked about the real cases of different procuratorial business parts, but also enhanced the heavy sense of history by listening to the retired old prosecutor to talk about the history of Zhanjiang prosecutor and compare the performance of prosecutors in the last century and the performance of prosecutors in the new era. Essence The procuratorial uniform changed from beans green to blue. People continue to struggle and implement the original intention and mission of the people.

In order to shoot the effect, when shooting the shot of robbery, the police officer who played the minor victim fell on the ground to sprain his wrist, or gritted his teeth to complete the shooting task, and successfully performed the role of the play.

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The persistence of the two generations of father and daughter

Wang Liangchen (MV planning)

Since its launch, "My Answer" has become my circular playback single, two words -addiction.

The beginning of the melody is relatively soothing, it seems to be self -questioning and self -answering, and it seems to move forward, giving people the anxiety sensation of seeking up and down in the predicament; and from the chorus part, the drum point is appropriately reflected in the lyrics. Fastened, making people stunned, one word -burning! Until "holding this river and mountains with a lamp", it seemed as if all the hustle and bustle settled down, returned to the original heart, echoing the back and forth.

Every time I listen to this song, countless prosecutors will live up to the expectations of the party and the people, and to work hard to the procuratorial cause. So, I told such a story in MV: The female prosecutor turned off the lights tiredly to welcome the rising sun. Thinking of the father of the prosecutor, he was wearing a green prosecutor's uniform, riding an old bicycle to protect fairness and justice, and did not even have time to see the daughter's painting for him. At that time, she didn't understand why her father always came and hurried, and why was she always worried about those who didn't know each other? And when she became a prosecutor, she joined the new era, and she finally understood that the transportation has changed, the case handling mode has changed, and the supervision method has changed ... But the sincerity of the sincerity inherited from the father's inheritance of the country and the people has not changed! I have been thinking about the past, present, and future when creating. What is changing and unchanged? What elements are used in series into a complete story? Both father and daughter are prosecutors, and the conversation between them crosses time and space. When she used drones to investigate and obtain evidence and use experimental equipment to overcome difficulties, the moment she crossed the past, her father was riding a bicycle and recorded the people's demands with paper and pens. And the origin of all this is a childish painting. "My Dad" is a prosecutor. He adheres to fairness and justice in his life, and I will also be such a person! For the nation and the people, for the dynasties of that side, no matter whether the road is spreading throughout the thorns, I would like to go! Perhaps the little girl asked her father, "Will it be better in the future?" In the same question, the female prosecutor may also ask herself. When the picture returns to childhood paintings, when the self -confident smile appears on the picture, the answer is obvious- "I said, yes".

The most difficult thing in the production process is the shaping of the image of the old prosecutor and the restoration of the old scene. For the first time, "Crossing the Drama" spent a lot of time and energy because of lack of experience. The old procuratorial uniform was retrieved from the archives room of our hospital. The old scene chose my old house. When capturing the old prosecutor to communicate with the masses, the break of a aunt of the neighborhood committee made the picture more natural.

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Professional honor is sublimated in interpretation

Lu Yinqiu (MV coordinating)

"'As a blade cut through the dark silver month, the crime and punishment pen are clearly wrong' -this lyrics remind me of myself in the public prosecution seat. After ten years of sharpening, he said that it was a bit more firm for his own inspection in the singing.

"When singing to the today's care, you have to do anything and eat, and you think that the migrant worker's prosecution to chase the labor remuneration case is particularly valuable. Women's Voice Cover Wang Yan said that the sense of professional honor is sublimated in the interpretation.

When I first listened to this song, the two lead singers expressed the wishes of cover. This is a song that triggers the prosecutor's empathy. By covering the prosecution forces through cover and guiding the young police officer to continue to continue the procuratorial glory, it is the original intention of the leadership of our institute (Hai'an City, Jiangsu Province).

In order to ensure the sound, professional vocal teachers were invited to guide. In addition to work, the two singers constantly adjust their breath and train singing to ensure the recording effect. From "for the country and the people to move forward," to "always hold a lamp to hold this river and mountain", it is the entire song of the whole song. During the interpretation, the two finally chose to sing after many attempts, and the sound was very impactful after the sound came out.

After recording the song, the MV videos were shot. The young police officers of the various business lines of our hospital were actively participating in the shooting. From attending the court to support public prosecution, to enter the construction site and board the fishing boats; On the campus, all the materials are shot in real world. At the same time, select the naming attractions and landmark buildings, use a delayed shooting method, start with the sunrise as the bell, the starry night as the clock, and the time as the line, and the "twelve hours" of the procuratorial performance of the procuratorial performance.

When editing, in order to make the visual screen and the lyrics, we repeatedly modify and improve, and strive to be consistent with the impact and expressive power. For example, there are two "red ships carrying a scoop blue" in the lyrics. In the first place, we chose a young police officer to visit the picture of our college's political construction education museum. Later, both places should express the meaning of "party building red" to lead the "procuratorial blue". As a result, we made up a group of pictures such as the young police officer to visit the Jiaxing Nanhu Red Boat model.

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(Source: Procuratorate)

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