She still adheres to the first line of prevention and control of the epidemic

Author:Colorful Dongxiang Time:2022.08.13

When the epidemic comes, the 35 -year -old Ma Yan dares to take responsibility. Please be on the front line. The mother who has a serious illness and two young children invests in the intense epidemic prevention and control work.

On the twelfth day of fighting on the front line, she received a call from her home and died of her grandmother who loved her since she was a child. It was the point of preventing and controlling the epidemic. The dedication of the doctor's heart.

On the road of resistance, Ma Yan was busy with nucleic acid sampling work and had no time to take care of his family. However, it is sad that her mother died unfortunately within a few days. She learned the news at two in the morning and was mixed in her heart, crying and heartbroken, and could no longer bear the successive death of the two relatives. Sadness. Faced with our interviews, she had tears in her eyes, choked for a long time, and couldn't speak for a long time. His high -intensity work pressure, a strong psychological burden, and he couldn't breathe. At this moment, our hearts are also very sad. "In just ten days, I lost two relatives, which is a great blow to me. The epidemic is the order, and the prevention and control is responsibility. Since I support high -risk areas, I did n’t even have the last side of my mother. I can see this is my biggest regret. But under the concern of leaders and colleagues, I believe I will definitely cheer up and do my job in my post. "Ma Yan said.

"In the past few years when the village doctor, Ma Yan's work was particularly serious. She usually helped us very much, and never afraid to be tired or shouted. This time, when we went to the community to support it, she had learned that the mother's mother died. But she still endured grief and went to fight side by side in front of me. "Colleague Zhao Yaqing said.

"Since Ma Yan has served as the village doctor in Baojia Village, he has made a diligence and meticulous work, and has been well received by the masses. Since this epidemic, she has been on the front line and went to various places for nucleic acid sampling. , But she never said hardships, and she was really a good comrade. "Liu Yunjing, deputy dean of Dongzheng Township Health Center, praised.

Since ancient times, he could not do both. During his serious illness, Ma Yan could not take care of the severe situation of the epidemic. Even the last one when his mother was leaving was not seen, and the last sentence did not say. This is an ordinary grass -roots medical staff. She used her responsibility to show her responsibility, explained hope with tenacious interpretation, and wrote the dawn with strength, and vividly interpreted the ordinary and greatness of "medical staff" with mission. It was the role model around us. Here, we sincerely thank you for your standing and going upside down. Thank you all for your efforts. You are not only the most beautiful "retrograde" in the "epidemic", but also the "guardians" of the people's lives and health. The effort will definitely inspire everyone to persevere on the way of resistance and move forward.

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