Lu Liang: Popularizing emergency rescue knowledge improves emergency skills

Author:Huanghe News Network Luliang C Time:2022.08.13

In order to strengthen the popularization and use of emergency rescue knowledge and the use of skills, and strengthen self -protection awareness. Recently, the Municipal People's Hospital's first aid medical knowledge of the dream of young volunteers was held in the urban transportation road community.

During this event, the volunteers from the medical workers from the Municipal People's Hospital came to the Luliang City Dream Chasing and Love Public Welfare Association who came to the meeting explained the Himlck emergency method and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. At the scene, medical workers made volunteers realize the importance of the study on -site emergency knowledge for protecting life through the lively cases around them. Emergency rescue trainers explained in detail the applicable objects and operations of Heimlik's emergency response method and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Process, technical standards, precautions. At the same time, in the explanation, the human model was also combined with a demonstration of heart recovery and Heimlik emergency law. Volunteers cooperated with each other and conducted repeated practical training to effectively improve their ability to emergency skills.

Li Guohao, Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer of Luliang City Dream Chasing and Love Public Welfare Association: Through this study, I learned Himlck emergency technique and the first aid method of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, so that I can better help others in my usual life, and better to better, and better better way Save a life.

Cheng Gege, a volunteer of Luliang City Dream Chasing and Love Public Welfare Association: Through this training, we also learned a lot. They also saw their professionalism in the teacher and felt that these knowledge was very useful. You can also do some simple first aid, not saying that he is busy and can't start.

On the entire training session, the atmosphere of interaction was active, volunteers were high, and they said that the course theory was solid, guided specific, and both scientific and operable. The live demonstration image was very helpful, which was greatly helpful for improving its own first aid capabilities. By carrying out such training activities, the concept of first aid can be spread to more people, effectively improving everyone's level of first aid knowledge and reducing the degree of accidental damage.

Cao Gang, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Municipal People's Hospital: Our Luliang People's Hospital and Luliang City Love Dream Chasing Public Welfare Association jointly organized this first aid knowledge training. It aims to improve the level of first aid knowledge of volunteer services through this training. In the process of service, it is possible to perform timely medical assistance in the case of emergencies, thereby improving the service capabilities and service levels of our voluntary work.

Reporter/Kang Ruifeng Xue Tao

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