Civilized Flower Kaicheng Fang -Baiyin City Huining County further promotes the work of civilization practice in the new era

Author:Silver Daily Time:2022.08.13

[New Era of Entrusted New Expeditions • Study and implement the spiritual civilization of the 14th Party Congress of Gansu Province in Action]

Civilized Flower Kaima City Fang

——Hooning County to further promote the work of civilization practice in the new era.

You can make a new way to make a forge. In the historical blueprint drawn in the new era, Baiyin City Huining County seized new strategic opportunities and aimed at the development of the new airline.

Create an outposting position to make the new fashion of civilization more moist

In the tide of continued times and the new style of civilization, in the magnificence of the construction of the "Belt and Five Colors · Colorful Hyu Ning", Huining County firmly carried the historical task of the construction of the civilized practice center in the new era, adhered to the needs of the masses, and solidly promoted the practice of civilization practice solidly. The construction of the center and (station), the "last mile" that can build various practical positions, open up to promote the public, educate the masses, care about the masses, and serve the masses.

Civilization is the microcosm of the progress of the new era, and is the "outpost" to lead development. Huining County is based on the three levels of the county, township (town), and village (community) as a grid unit to integrate resources in an all -round way, and concentrate their strength to build the "five platforms" of theoretical propaganda, education services, cultural services, scientific and technological services, and sports and health services. Construction of the Civilization Practice Center in the New Era into a service platform for the people who brings together the strengths of all parties and respond to the needs of the masses, and vigorously play the role of the "people" lecturer and the "Red Scarf" lecturer, so that the new era of civilized practice activities will have the popularity, and even more, and even more thickness.

As of now, Huining County has established 346 civilization practice centers, townships (communities), township (town), and village (community). Volunteer service team 356. Let the county's 284 village -level new era civilization practice stations become the "main position" of propaganda ideas, and achieve full coverage of civilized practice centers and (stations) in the new era.

Shaping the brand's new responsibility to make the main theme of the times higher

The "Good Voice of the River on the River" created by the new era of the riverfront town in the new era of civilization practice and communicate with the common people through live broadcasts to convey various policy information, solve the actual problems of the masses, and promote the new style of civilization in the times. New things.

Let red and historical integration, let civilization work together with the times. In Huining, the red gene has long been cast into blood and infiltrated into the soul. In the study and education of party history, Huining County will introduce a large number of boutique packages such as "Red Story Society", "Red Microex Class", recitation of "Red Classics", and "Red Classroom", which highlights the masses, guides the masses, and cultivate with culture. The target positioning of people and the customs of the customs allows the red first culture to bloom in the sanctuary of the teacher.

Since 2021, Huining County aims at cultivating newcomers and promoting the new style of the times, relying on the three -level network of civilized practice, high -standing and high standards to conduct a new era of civilized practice activities, and to carry out more than 500 various civilized practice activities (times To. Really let new ideas, new culture, and new concepts "fly into ordinary people's homes", let the light of civilization illuminate the land of the master!

Enrich the activation of the carrier to make the development of the main engine stronger

The hard work is brave. Opening the journey of the development of civilization in the new era, the three major brands of the three major brands of "Guangya Huining", "De Run Holy Land", and "Soul Casting Education" are on the paper.

In recent years, Huining County has actively explored the working model of "the demand of the masses+central guidance+the supply of civilized practice member units", normalize the civilized practice activities, and revolves around the construction of the "Belt and Five Colors · Colorful Hyinning Ning". Organize the mobilization of the masses of cadres and the masses to carry out 2 million trees for the whole people to complete the lavage and greening of 117,000 mu. Create a "blue" escort, develop more than 10,000 volunteers, carry out more than 3,900 (times) of epidemic propaganda and epidemic prevention service activities to effectively ensure the safety of life and property. Consolidate the "special" color rejuvenation, focusing on "cattle, sheep, vegetables, fruits, potato, and medicine" increasing the income industry, carry out the general census and technical volunteer services of the household industry, and provide more than 2,800 breeding skills face -to -face to help agricultural efficiency, farmers Increase income, rural rejuvenation.

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