Jinan City Central District Garden Green Service Center comes to Weifang City to exchange and learn garden greening management work

Author:Weifang Media Network Official Time:2022.08.13

On August 12, 18 people from the Garden Greening Service Center of Jinan City Central District came to Weifang City to visit the relevant work of garden greening and refined maintenance management. Relevant responsible comrades in Weifang Garden Sanitation Service Center, high -tech zones and Hansing District participated in the event.

At the symposium, the Weifang Garden Sanitation Service Center introduced the relevant situations of Weifang's garden greening and refined maintenance management scope, management model, daily maintenance, and improvement of scenic convenience services. In -depth exchanges and discussions on the work of fine management. After the discussion, the inspection team also observed on the spot to observe Zhiwei Garden, People's Square, Botanical Garden, Zhiyi Garden, Whale Square, Qi Zhi Garden, Yunxiao Garden, Han Ting Sports Park, etc., and heard the introduction of relevant staff on the spot.

The inspection team highly evaluated the achievements of Weifang's garden greening work, and believed that Weifang continued to improve the level of garden greening and refined maintenance, strengthened supervision and assessment. The measures were accurate and effective, and the experience and practices were of great reference. The two parties stated that in the future, the garden departments of the two places should maintain close contact, learn from each other to learn from each other, and jointly promote new results in garden greening in the two cities.

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