"Beyond · Love" Public Welfare Series Entering the epidemic prevention and control first -line Shandong Taishan Football Club jointly condolences to the first -line epidemic prevention personnel

Author:Poster news Time:2022.08.13

Popular Network · Poster Journalist Zhang David Jinan Report

On August 13th, in order to practice social responsibility and reflect the care and care of the front -line epidemic prevention and control personnel, Shandong Taishan Football Club and Shandong Sports Journalists Association, Jinan City Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment, Gezhouba Group Transportation Investment Co., Ltd. Shandong area The Operation Management Center jointly organized a "transcendence · love" public welfare series at the Jitai high -speed Liubu toll station.

Joint condolences scene

Shandong Taishan Football Club players presented condolences to the traffic prevention staff

At the event, the representatives of the Taishan Football Club players of Shandong Yan Hengxuan, Yan Tianyi, Zhang Jun, secretary general of the Shandong Sports Journalists Association, the party secretary of the party committee and the captain of the party committee of the comprehensive administrative law enforcement detachment of Jinan City, Xuan Shengwu, and Zhou Ming, the full -time deputy secretary of the party committee of Jinan City Transportation Bureau Zhu Fei, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of the Shandong Regional Operation and Management Center of Gezhouba Group Transportation Investment Co., Ltd., gave condolences to the traffic prevention staff on the front line.

The representative of the player of the Taishan Football Club in Shandong said that he saw that he saw the epidemic prevention and control staff of the transportation department very hard. Whether it was hot sun or wind and rain, they all stood in various traffic mounting And register to protect the safety of life for the people. I will also train hard to pass the positive energy of sports through the wonderful performance on the game, call more people to participate in sports and defeat the epidemic with a healthy physique.

Joint condolences scene

Zhang Jun, secretary general of the Shandong Sports Journalist Association, paid tribute to the epidemic prevention staff of the transportation department on behalf of the media reporter. He said that the weather has continued to be hot recently, and media reporters, like epidemic prevention workers, welcomes high temperatures in the heat of the heat, constantly practiced the four forces, and write fresh news works for the people. In daily interviews, everyone also felt the hard work of the traffic epidemic prevention and control staff. They fought on the front line of transportation, escorted the health of the masses, and contributed to the smoothness of material transportation. Although the supplies they presented this time are insignificant, it represents the respect of media journalists. It also hopes that the epidemic prevention and control staff will keep their health during their work, participate in fitness exercises, and make good use of the body to ensure the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Zhu Fei, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of the Shandong Regional Operation and Management Center of Gezhouba Group Transportation Investment Co., Ltd., said that at present, Shandong continues to be high temperature. Everyone still adheres to the mount of highways, war high temperatures, fights hot summer, fearless sun and sun, and adhere to the first line of the post. Sweat and insist on guarding the peace. The high -speed toll stations in the Gezhouba Shandong area will, as always, do a good job of logistical support for personnel prevention cards, continue to carry out the "epidemic" line service, carry out warm condolences to the personnel in the toll station area. Do the "goalkeeper" for the prevention and control of the epidemic, and jointly guard the safety of the masses.

As an important law enforcement force on the traffic prevention front, Xuan Shengwu, the captain of Jinan City Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment Detachment, expressed his gratitude to all sectors of society for their care and care for traffic prevention workers, and said that traffic law enforcement officers will further focus on "the epidemic should prevent prevention. The economy must be stabilized and developed safely. "Instead of changing the goals and not falling for the standards.

After the condolences, all parties went to Liubu Street, wherever they were, led by Li Dong, the first secretary of the Urban and Rural Transportation Bureau of Jinan City, to visit the poverty alleviation households, and at the same time donated school supplies and football to local left -behind children Training supplies, encourage children to learn well and grow healthy.

Shandong Taishan Football Club players donate football training supplies to left -behind children

Joint donation event site

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