awesome!As the only county -level representatives, the Enshe Red Cross Society made an experience in this provincial business training course

Author:Enping City Rong Media Center Time:2022.08.13

From August 10th to 11th, the Provincial Red Cross organized the province's Red Cross System in Guangzhou to organize publicity business training courses in 2022. As the only county -level city Red Cross Association, the Red Cross Society of Enping City was invited to participate in the training and spoke about the experience of the construction of the Red Cross grass -roots organization.

Yang Bo, a member of the Party Group and Vice President of the Provincial Red Cross, attended the meeting and gave a speech. It highly affirmed the emphasis and strong support of the Enping Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. Make Enping City the first county -level city -level city -level city -level city -level cities in the province. It has achieved outstanding results in the full coverage of Red Cross Emergency Rescue Training and "99 Charity Day" charity fundraising. He pointed out that the reform of the system and mechanism of the Red Cross Society and the construction of grass -roots organizations has always been at the forefront of the province and Jiangmen City. Essence

In the training class, the main person in charge of the Enshe Red Cross Association took the theme of "the party building leads to the aggregation force, realized the full coverage of the Red Cross -level organization", and carried out detailed in detail around the grass -roots organizational structure, organization construction and operation of the Red Cross Society of the Red Cross. Introduction.

Training class

Over the years, the Red Cross Society of Enping City has insisted on finding its own positioning around the key tasks of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, innovating the Red Cross business working model, creating the red Cross brand of "party building+business" of Enping Red Cross, and promoting the realization of Enping's grassroots level The Red Cross will be fully covered and make full use of the full coverage advantage, actively mobilize social humanitarian resources, participate in urban and rural community governance, and strive to improve the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security. First, by forming the "assembly point" of grass -roots red crime services, finding the needs of the masses for re -construction, and planting the foundation of the masses. The second is to promote the construction of positions by integrating resources, create a strong working atmosphere, and create a "big family" at the grassroots Red Cross. The third is to improve the construction of grass -roots personnel teams, form the "pioneer team" of the Red Cross service, and widely develop volunteers of the Red Cross. The fourth is to actively launch social forces to participate, set up humanitarian assistance "Lianxin Bridge", and effectively allow charity funds to "come from the masses" and "to the masses." Fifth, to enrich the grass -roots training teachers, be a "teaching craftsman" for emergency training, and promote the popularization of red cross emergency rescue skills to popularize among grassroots people. Sixth, expand the coverage of grass -roots mission, build a "propaganda network" for free blood donation, actively launch an unpaid blood donation activity, and ensure that the amount of blood donation of Enping City is 100%to meet the needs of clinical medical blood.

Enping has become the first county -level city to realize the full coverage of the Red Cross grass -roots organization in the province.

The Red Cross Society of Enping City created the Red Cross of the masses' "door", in -depth development of humanitarian rescue brand projects with Enping characteristics, welcomed by the masses, and sustainable development, and truly serving the bridge to serve the masses. Assistant in humanitarian.

Edit: Liang Yiyuan

Supply: City Red Cross

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