Jining High -tech Zone Jixizhuang Street carried out special propaganda activities for rectification of elderly fraud

Author:Sohu City Jining Time:2022.06.17

Recently, in combination with the special attacking operation of the new crown vaccination of people over the age of 60, Jining High -tech Zone will launch a grid member, public security police officer, community cadres, volunteer volunteers and other forces to post poster banners, distribute publicity materials, hold anti -fraud, hold anti -fraud In the form of lectures, promote the promotion of anti -fraud in the village, family, and square in the village, starting from the real cases of old -age fraud, and explaining the eight common methods and characteristics of fraud in the name of "pension" in detail. The reasons are vividly told the fraudulent behaviors of criminals in unknown language, and provide valid proposal to prevent elderly scams.

Since the launch of the event, streets and community staff have accumulated more than 1,000 household propaganda, distributed propaganda materials and more than 5,000 posters, and created a overwhelming publicity atmosphere in the streets. Improving the ability of the elderly.

In the next step, connecting Zhuang Street will continue to carry out the publicity activities of "preventing pension fraud", actively create a safe and happy to pick up Zhuangzhuang, and build a good environment for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Correspondent: Wang Cong Xiaying

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