Heilongjiang Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce takes Taiwan private enterprises colleges and universities together to promote employment

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.08.14

On August 13, the Heilongjiang Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department jointly organized the launch meeting of "private enterprises and universities to promote employment". Deputy Governor Sun Dongsheng attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

It is understood that this meeting aims to give full play to the role of private enterprises to absorb the role of the owner's channels, help the college graduates of Heilongjiang Province to achieve more sufficient and higher quality employment, help enterprises reserve talents, and help the private economy's high -quality development.

Sun Dongsheng pointed out that employment is related to the well -being of the people's livelihood, related economic development, and social stability. The Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government adheres to the stable employment as the largest people's livelihood project, the people's heart project, and the foundation project, and is placed at the head of "six stability". The Provincial Department of Education, Human Resources and Social Security, Federation of Industry and Commerce, and relevant departments must actively create a good policy environment. Private enterprises must actively take social responsibilities, universities must run schools in the market and industries, and form a two -way virtuous cycle model for economic growth and promotion of employment.

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The meeting conveyed the spirit of the launching meeting of the Ministry of Education and the National Federation of Industry and Commerce "Joining the Employment Action". Harbin Institute of Technology and Heilongjiang Jianlong Investment Group made a statement on behalf of colleges and private enterprises. The Provincial Department of Education signed a cooperation agreement with the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and some universities and private enterprises signed a school -enterprise cooperation and employment agreement.

Source: Heilongjiang Daily

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