Dalian Charity Federation important reminder!

Author:Peninsula Morning Post Time:2022.08.14

August 12

Dalian Charity Federation released

Important reminder about preventing telecommunications fraud

Love units, caring people:

Recently, the Dalian Charity Federation (hereinafter referred to as me) learned that some criminals took charity as a gimmick and used the social credibility of charity organization to obtain the trust of the victims to implement cyber fraud. Criminals invite the victims to enter the group through online channels such as WeChat and QQ to induce victims to make small donations to charity organizations in the name of "donation rebate, cashback, recharge, refund, and commission". The activity was reburned to the victims, allowing the victims to taste the "sweetness". After deceiving the victim's trust, the victims induced the victims directly to the designated bank account to directly transfer the scam. It is understood that the collection accounts of many charity public welfare institutions have been repeatedly frozen by the police, and more than 30 public welfare foundations and charitable organizations have publicly issued a statement or prompt.

Here, I will solemnly remind people of caring companies and people from all walks of life: In the Internet era, always keep a sober mind, do not trust the good things of "falling into pie in the sky", recognize the scams, and beware of being deceived. , Timely report to the public security organs.

As a charity organization with public fundraising qualifications, I will always follow the principles of openness, fairness, justice, and non -profit, and carry out various charity activities in accordance with laws and regulations. Take this opportunity to explain noble respect and sincere gratitude to love companies and people from all walks of life who care about the development of Charity in Dalian for many years!

Dalian Charity Federation

August 12, 2022

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