Want to "pregnancy" all the way, have you get these knowledge?[New Era Health Science Popularization Works Collection Contest (8)]

Author:Healthy China Time:2022.08.14

All the way to pregnancy, setbacks are inevitable

Are you preparing for your psychology?

Scientific pregnancy, healthy life

Little folic acid is great!

Pregnancy is an important period for maintaining oral health

Do you know these oral health knowledge?

Do not worry about sugar control during pregnancy,

These wonderful tricks need to be remembered!

"Health Knowledge Popularization Action -The New Era of the New Era Health Science Popularization Works Collection Contest in 2022"

Know the journey all the way to pregnancy

Submitting unit: Shanghai Mental Health Center

Add folic acid to make the baby "prepare"

Submitting unit: Fujian Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Oral health during pregnancy

Submitting unit: Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Popularization of gestational diabetes scenarios

Submitting unit: Qingdao Women's Children's Hospital

Plan: Wang Shanshan and Hu Bin

Video source: 2022 New Era Health Science Popularization Works Collection Competition

Intern editor: Duan Menglan

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