Chengdu rumor Pengzhou Longcou Gully Mountain flood is related to the upstream flood discharge

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.08.14

On August 13th, Longconggou, Pengzhou City, Chengdu suddenly caused the crowd's casualties to attract the attention of the entire network. While everyone was worried and prayed for the trapped people, some netizens continued to spread the "upstream dam power station suddenly opened suddenly. The floods caused by the locks and water "" Mountain floods are caused by the dammed lake formed by the earthquake "and other remarks and other remarks.

▲ Related rumors Screenshot Map Source Network

▲ Related rumors Screenshot Map Source Network

▲ Related rumors Screenshot Map Source Network

At 19:08 on August 13th, the official Weibo of the Pengzhou Emergency Administration "Pengzhou Emergency" issued a notification on the incident of "Longconggou in Longmen Mountain Town", mentioning that the cause of the accident was that there was a pair of Liuyun Troupe in the afternoon of the day of the accident. Generating, accompanied by short -term heavy rainfall, causing sudden mountain floods in the Longconggou area, causing the masses to be trapped. The full text of "Notification" is as follows:

[Notice on the flood of 8.13 in Longconggou, Longmen Mountain Town] At 14:37 on August 13, Longmen Shan Town, Pengzhou received a meteorological forecast. There will be a disposable for Liuyun Troupe in the jurisdiction, which will be accompanied by short -term heavy rainfall. After receiving the report, the Government of Longmen Mountain Town immediately organized the forces of town villages (communities) cadres, patrols, and volunteers to persuade tourists along the rivers along the area. At 15:30, the dragon floods in Longconggou community in Xiaoyudong community were suddenly involved in the river. After the accident, the Pengzhou Emergency Administration, the Public Security Bureau, the Fire Brigade and other departments immediately went to the scene to carry out search and rescue work. At present, the casualties are being checked.

▲ Screenshot of Pengzhou Emergency Official Weibo

Screenshot of WeChat public account

Source: Chengdu Network Rumor WeChat Public Account Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Zhao Xiaoman

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