Spicy Spicy | Wild Playing in the wild to prevent the string of the disaster

Author:Chuanguan News Time:2022.08.14

Chuanguan News reporter Zhao Rongchang

On August 13, the dragons in Pengzhou City had a sudden mountain flood. According to the official news on the 14th, the disaster caused a total of 7 deaths and 8 minor injuries. After the disaster, the Sichuan Provincial Defense Office issued an urgent notice, requiring the in -depth lessons to do a good job of responding to the heavy -time heavy rainfall prevention, emphasizing that any outdoor adventure and wading activities were strictly prohibited under extreme weather.

In fact, the wild tourism inevitably faces certain security risks. For example, playing in the mountains may encounter geological disasters such as landslides, mudslides, and landslides in the mountains; risks such as falling, lost, and exercise damage are prone to occur in the jungle. Therefore, the wild players should tighten the string of prevention of the disaster.

In recent years, some tourists have fallen into troubles or dangerous events due to their immature conditions and even unhearded wild scenic spots. According to relevant statistics, every summer, tourists who occur in Sichuan do not follow the guidelines that cause people to be trapped and dangerous. There are no hundreds of pains. Many painful lessons are not deep.

To prevent similar lessons, the administrative department should "work hard" in terms of warning, early warning, education guidance, and supervision. On the one hand, we will strengthen warning reminders, publicity guidance, and inspection supervision of scenic spots, mountain areas, forest areas, and river channels. Guide tourists to strictly follow the provisions of safety management, and do not set up safely for the safety of playing; on the other hand, we must further strengthen the safety education of key groups such as tourists, primary and secondary school students, and improve their awareness and ability and ability to avoid disaster prevention, emergency avoidance.

To prevent similar lessons, we need each of us to be in awe of nature and advocate the rules, and always tighten the safety strings of the prevention of disaster. Each of us requires responsibility for the safety of ourselves and our families. At present, Sichuan is at the main flood season and summer vacation. As a tourist, we must pay close attention to natural disasters, pay close attention to the warning of meteorological disaster risks, reasonably plan tourism itineraries, do not participate in uns development lines or enter unbound areas in violation of regulations ... … Prevent it, keep in mind the safety, and stop doing it.

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