Implementing it!Nucleic acid detection and screening are adjusted

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.08.14

The Office of the Pneumonia Prevention and Control Headquarters of the New Coronatte infection in Taocheng District, Hengshui City issued a notice today (August 14). From tomorrow, the target group of periolic acid testing and screening of urban areas will be adjusted as follows

From August 15th, peripheral nucleic acid testing and screening will no longer be performed every weekly household test and screening, adjust to the menu detection and screening according to weekly, and complete a round of full -member nucleic acid testing in two weeks. The first week (August 16-18) to screen male residents, and the second week (August 23-125) to screen for female residents.

2. The testing and screening of primary and secondary school students will no longer participate in the screening of residents of the village community, and adjust it to the school on Friday for testing and screening.

3. Testing and screening of key population nucleic acid testing shall be implemented in accordance with existing regulations.

The majority of residents are requested to participate in the inspection and screening of nucleic acids on time in accordance with the requirements of the street community notification, and do a good job of "external prevention input, internal defense rebound" work, and comprehensively building the epidemic prevention and control strict defense line.

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