Set up a fixed point and set up a sunshade to let the mobile vendors "settle"

Author:Zhuzhou Published Time:2022.08.15

Flowing vendors Placement Point Reporter/Zhou Zeaine Photo

"In the past," guerrillas' is also a last resort. Now that there is a unified stall, everyone can no longer occupy the business, and the business is better. "On August 10, a stalls in the Pioneer convenience market in Shifeng District were happy. Tell reporters.

The Pioneer Convenience Market was built in 2018. It is located at Pioneer Road and Construction Cross Road in Shifeng District, covering an area of ​​about 800 square meters. The establishment of the convenience market meets the needs of the daily "vegetable baskets" of surrounding residents. However, like many farmers' markets, mobile vendors operate in business, which is a difficult issue in the management of civilization in the market.

In July of this year, the market manager was funded and set up a concentration point of about 350 square meters in the convenience market, which can accommodate more than 80 mobile vendors. Considering that the weather was hot recently, on August 9, led by Xiangshiling Street Pioneer Community, he specially established a sunscreen and avoiding the wrenching pavilion at the concentrated point of mobile vendors.

"It not only solves the problem of travel difficulties that have been affected by the long -term business operations of the farmer's market, but also solve the needs of people's livelihood. Rectification, centralized management of mobile vendors has been implemented, improving the operating environment of the farmer's market, and effectively solving practical problems. In the next step, Xiangshiling Street, Shifeng District, will focus on the back streets and alleys, residential communities, farmers' markets and other places, increase the supervision and rectification efforts of problems, implement the problem to make a reform, form a closed loop, and continuously promote the creation of civilized cities. Deep.

Source/Zhuzhou Daily reporter/Zhou Zeaemong Correspondent/Huang Ming


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