Hainan has added local 582+580, Sun Chunlan investigated and guided the epidemic prevention and control in Sanya, Sanya: "Top Ten Special Actions" in the Decisive Conference of the Epidemic Prevention and Control

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.08.15

According to the Hainan Provincial Health Commission, at 0-24 on August 14th, 582 new local diagnosis cases were added in Hainan Province (including 13 cases of non -symptoms infected), of which 306 cases of Sanya City (including asymptomatic infections included non -symptoms infected Nine cases were transferred), 204 cases of Ledong County, 30 cases in Dongfang City (including asymptomatic infections, 1 case of confirmed cases), 17 cases of Lingao County (1 case of diagnosis cases with asymptomatic infections), Lingshui There were 12 cases of county (including 2 cases of diagnosed cases with asymptomatic infections), 7 cases of Wanning City, 5 cases of Puzhou City, and 1 case of Haikou City; 580 newly added local infections, including 472 cases in Sanya City, Wanzi 56 cases in Ning City, 19 cases of Ledong County, 14 cases of Lingshui County, 10 cases of Puzhou City, 5 cases of Dongfang City, and 4 cases of Lingao County.

From 0:00 on August 1, 2022 to 24:00 on August 14th, 4390 cases of local confirmed cases were reported in this round of epidemic (3305 cases in Sanya City, 287 cases of Ledong County, 208 in Dongfang City, 176 cases in Lingzhou, and Lingzhou 172 cases of Shuixian, 105 cases in Lingao County, 75 cases in Wanning City, 26 cases in Chengmai County, 21 cases of Haikou City, 9 cases of Qionghai City, 4 cases of Wuzhishan City, 1 case of Ding'an County, 1 case of Changjiang County); 4493 cases of native symptoms (4006 cases in Sanya City, 149 cases of Lingshui County, 126 cases of Wanning City, 103 cases in Pozhou City, 46 cases of Lingao County, 40 cases of Ledong County, 7 cases of Dongfang City, Qionghai 6 cases, 5 cases of Haikou City, 2 cases of Chengmai County, 2 cases of Wuzhishan City, and 1 case of Ding'an County). Sanya nuclear reduction of 1 confirmed case and 1 asymptomatic infection.

On August 13th, Sanya, medical staff conducted information registration in the community Source: Visual China-VCG11396226695

Sun Chunlan's research and guidance of the epidemic prevention and control work in Sanya

On August 14, Sun Chunlan, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and vice premier of the State Council, investigated and guided the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia in Sanya City and held a meeting of the epidemic prevention and control dispatch meetings of key cities and counties in Hainan Province. In order to achieve fast and achieve the goal of zero society as soon as possible.

Sun Chunlan came to Sanya Yazhou Central Fishing Port, Sanya International Sports Industrial Park, and Sanya Streaming Center to learn more about the prevention and control management of fishermen in the fishing port fishing market, planning and construction of square cabin hospitals, and traceability of epidemic flow. She pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the detection of nucleic acids, prevent early prevention, early discovery, and early disposal, strengthen the education and education of epidemic prevention, and enhance the awareness of protection of fishermen. Accelerate the construction reserves of the square cabin hospital and centralized isolation point, set up beds scientifically and reasonably, strengthen the sensory measures of the defense hospital, improve the efficiency of infected people, close personnel transportation efficiency, and square cabin hospital utilization rate, and strengthen the closed -loop management of construction personnel. Strengthen the construction of the information system, give full play to the "three public (work)" synergy, accurately and quickly carry out the traceability of the flow, find out the trajectory and chain of the epidemic, and realize the first time transfer and control. Sun Chunlan visited the staff of the grass -roots out -line epidemic prevention and control staff, and told everyone to do personal protection, work together to improve efficiency, and go all out to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Sun Chunlan emphasized at the prevention and control scheduling meeting of the epidemic and counties in Hainan Province that the current situation of the Hainan epidemic situation is still complicated and severe, and the virus is in a state of confrontation. It is necessary to grasp quickly and further strengthen the flat command system. Give full play to the role of grass -roots staff such as grid staff, conduct nucleic acid testing efficiently, and promote the implementation of the "four should four" and "day, day, day and clear". It is necessary to grasp standard management, strictly control the potential risk points, eliminate hidden risks in a timely manner, continue to strengthen community management and control, effectively ensure the living needs of residents, strive for the masses to understand and support, form a combination of epidemic prevention, and strive to create an epidemic -free community. It is necessary to grasp the on -site flow, scientifically judge the deeper and risk personnel through face -to -face flow traceability, and cut off the source of the infection as soon as possible. It is necessary to grasp the implementation of work, compare various prevention and control requirements, speed up the shortcomings, rectify outstanding problems, and take more resolute and decisive measures to ensure that the scale of key cities and counties will be effectively controlled as soon as possible. To strengthen communication and coordination, under the premise of security and stability, hurry up and arrange the eligible retention passenger outlying islands.

Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, participated in the event.

Sanya: The "Top Ten Special Actions" of the Decisive Capital of the Epidemic Prevention and Control Fight

According to Sanya, on August 14, Feng Fei, the head of the provincial governor of Hainan Province and the provincial new coronary virus pneumonia, attended the Sanya epidemic prevention and control video dispatch meeting to win the decisive battle of the epidemic prevention and control battle in Sanya City. Top Ten Special Actions were deployed.

Picture source: Sanya released

At the meeting, Hainan Province decided to realize the Hainan Working Group of Hainan Working Group and the Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control of the Sanya Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters and the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism in the Sanya City. And carry out the "Top Ten Special Actions" of the Sanya City Epidemium Prevention and Control Decision Conference, fully implement the requirements of the "Four Responses and Four", "Japan, Japan, Japan", and to promote the prevention and control of the Sanya epidemic.

"Top Ten Special Actions" include:

(1) Fortress Tackling Action

(2) Nucleic acid detection knocking on the door speed -up operation

(3) Chasing Yang Speed ​​Speed ​​Action

(4) Positive densely connecting zero action

(5) Streaming speed speed up and improvement action

(6) Reinforcement action of isolation points

(7) High -risk zone strictly prevent action

(8) Cabbage Construction Lantern Operation Action

(9) Energy expansion operation of isolation points

(10) On -site operations of mass services

Feng Fei pointed out that the "Top Ten Special Actions" in the decisive battle of epidemic prevention and control in Sanya City was a new battle launched by this round of epidemic -to be able to get more motivated with the confidence of winning, further enthusiasm, and in -depth further into the effort, deepen,Carry out the "Top Ten Special Actions" and strive to win the victory of the conference.

It is necessary to scientifically grasp the laws of epidemic dissemination, keep an eye on key places such as the community, compact responsibilities, refine division of labor, adhere to strict control and strict control of not relaxing, and concentrate their strengths to destroy the war.

It is necessary to focus on the established goals, refine tasks, strengthen measures, orderly coordinating the resources and strength of all parties in an orderly coordination, and to achieve "four responses and four" and "clear day and clear".

Pay close attention to key nodes and weak links, enrich work forces, and accelerate the construction reserves of square cabin hospitals and centralized isolation points.

It is necessary to strengthen overall allocation, continue to support the province's efforts to support Sanya to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, and resolutely win the big battle of the epidemic prevention and control.

Zhou Hongbo and Wang Lu, leaders of Hainan Province, and Fu Xuanzhao, Secretary -General of the Provincial Government attended the meeting.

The Daily Economic News is comprehensive from the release of Sanya, the Hainan Provincial Health and Health Commission

Daily Economic News

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