Why is Wutai Mountain "eating and drinking and living" expensive?

Author:Shanxi Economic Daily Time:2022.08.15

At the Visitor Center of Wutai Mountain Scenic Area, tourists are consulting the staff on ticket purchase.

"I came to Wutai Mountain for the first time, and I felt that the price of accommodation was really expensive. The price of the homestay standard room for us was 680 yuan per night. This can also stay in a four -star hotel in Beijing and Shanghai. Clean, comfortable, good service, high cost performance! "

On July 19, Wang Tonghui from Hunan saw the higher accommodation price in the Wutai Mountain Scenic Area and believed that such a price was not unacceptable. However, "cost -effectiveness" is the most concerned about many tourists including him.

At present, there are 318 5A -level tourist scenic spots nationwide. As the first 5A -level scenic spots, and also the Wutai Mountains with the World Cultural Landscape Heritage, in the eyes of some tourists, it does not seem to have high prices that match the "identity". Tudou is sold for 48 yuan, is this dish so much money? "

Is it worth it? The reporter went to the scenic area a few days ago to conduct a field visit investigation.

Homestay is expensive?

Operating costs higher than imagination

"A Bright Light · Zen Special Courtyard" is a newly opened homestay in the Wutai Mountain Scenic Area. The boss Zheng Aihua told reporters: "Being a house is" burning money "."

He calculated a account for reporters: the whole building rented 500,000 yuan a year, and the first decoration was about 6 million yuan. Considering the salary of employees, water and electricity heating, etc. The fixed cost of the house is nearly 70,000 yuan. "

Compared with the full year of popular tourist destinations such as Dali, Lijiang, Jiuhua Mountain, and Emei Mountain, the Wutai Mountain Scenic Area, known as the "North China Roof Spine", is affected by the climate and is only less than half a year of tourism. The hostel owners had to operate more than 5 months to make up for the low income and even "zero income" phenomenon of the existing period of suspension. Affected by the epidemic in the past two years, Wutai Mountain's passenger flow has fallen significantly. The reporter learned from the Scenic Area Management Committee that the scenic spots have entered the peak tourist season in June, and in June this year, the number of people entering the mountains has decreased by 68%year -on -year. From January to July, the number of people entering the mountains decreased by 42%year -on -year.

cost. Nothing makes the operators in the scenic area a headache more than these two words.

Can you find a way to drop?

Many interviewed hotel accommodation industry owners said: Very difficult. On the one hand, the cost of all links in the market chain is increasing; on the other hand, the comprehensive rectification work of the Wutai Mountain Scenic Area starting in 2020 and purifying the environment of the scenic area, which also makes the former residents become the "chartered wife" of holding house resources and promote the promotion Renting goes all the way. While consumers exclaimed that the house prices were too expensive, the operators of the homestay and hotel were overwhelmed.

"A year of rent alone is 700,000 to 800,000 yuan, how can I make money? I have opened three years of homestays here, and the money I lost is enough to buy a few houses in Taiyuan!" Say.

Eat expensive?

Buying vegetables is a science

The dispute over the price of Wutai Mountain catering is derived from a plate of potato shreds.

The restaurant named "It is suitable for private chefs", the price of a plate of fried potato shreds is 18 yuan; in Yonghong Iron Pot restaurant, the price of this dish is 22 yuan; Yuan. The reporter found through the "Public Comment" inquiry that fried potato shreds sold more than 20 yuan have abound in the scenic area.

Many restaurants owners said that the reason why fried potato shreds are expensive because of the "Maathua" to the ingredients. 0.5 kg of hemp flower, the market price is about 100 yuan. Tourists do not buy this, thinking that the decoration style, internal hygiene status, and overall dining experience of the restaurant in the Wutai Mountain Scenic Area seem to be sorry for the price of this dish.

The owner of Yonghong Iron Store, who has more than 20 years of operating experience, told reporters: "Guests are in a mood to eat. They may not be satisfied with the price itself, and it may be our service details."

In fact, when the reporter went to Jiuhua Mountain Scenic Area in 2018, a local fried egg egg was sold to more than 60 yuan. In contrast, the price of a plate of fried eggs in the Wutai Mountain Scenic Area is not more than 40 yuan.

The catering industry is similar to the operating costs of the homestay, and it also faces the problem of seasonal break. In the eyes of tourists, the catering industry with "huge profits" is not optimistic. The existence of competition, loss, and complaints in the industry allows the catering industry to face more uncertain risks.

Many catering industry owners believe that although they are unsatisfactory in catering services, some problems are indeed caused by their own reasons, such as the plate is not cleaned. They told reporters: "After these issues are complained by customers, we may have to pay 3 to 10 times the price of the entire table of vegetables to customers, so that we have to replace it with disposable tableware, but this has also increased the cost."

Worsening service?

The quality of personnel is uneven

"Hello, please check the ticket inspection." "You can't stop here, drive to the side!" The reporter interviewed in the scenic area, and the two staff members encountered were very different.

Why is this so?

At the Wutai Mountain Visitor Center, Wang Yunfei, the staff of the lobby, told reporters that the average age of the staff of the department is about 42 years, of which 80%of the college degree or above. Here, tourists generally reflect that the staff's attitude is good, and the problem is very timely. In the core scenic area, there are also laymen, volunteers, and local people who are engaged in service work, and the quality of service is slightly inferior.

Wang Zilong, the project manager of the Wutai Mountain Scenic Area of Poly Property, said that the scenic spots, including property, will regularly organize personnel training, including reception language, scenic guidelines, religious knowledge, etc.However, due to the large liquidity of service personnel in the scenic area, there are no shortage of departure in the post, and it is difficult to cultivate the "gold medal" service personnel.The management party of Wutai Mountain Scenic Area considers that there are many temples and their internal management system, so they can only provide centralized training and management of service personnel outside the temple.

At Daxiantong Temple, the reporter interviewed a tourist from Tianjin.She believes that the service of the scenic area is more reflected in the environment."I came for the first time. The overall feeling is clean, tidy, quiet, and orderly. Indeed, someone has a bad attitude and asked about the love of the road, but the attitude of someone else does not affect the overall travel experience. Come here to play here., The price is still very high! "

Shanxi Economic Daily reporter Changxue

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