Tax and fees "on the cloud"!The first tax station in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Qiaomengyuan was unveiled and established in Zengcheng

Author:Zengcheng District Rong Media Time:2022.08.15

Recently, the theme activities of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area "Guangjiang Cooperation, Taxation to help overseas Chinese" were held in Qiaomengyuan, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou, and the first tax stations in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Qiaomengyuan were unveiled simultaneously.

At the event site, the leaders of the leaders unveiled the tax station of Qiaomengyuan (Guangzhou Zengcheng) of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area. It is understood that the station stood in the pilot of Zengcheng first. Constructed by the United Front Work Department of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, the Guangzhou Municipal Taxation Bureau, and the Zengcheng District Party Committee and District Government. The specific practice of the new pattern provides tax support for the integration of overseas Chinese -funded enterprises into the construction of the Greater Bay Area.

Tax and fees "on the cloud"

Relying on Baosheng International ICC Innovation Center, the station is equipped with equipment such as "Xiaowu", V -TAX taxation platform, self -service tax terminal, government affairs machines and other equipment, so that overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese and enterprises will not be able to enjoy high quality, High -efficiency and intelligent "cloud office" tax and fees services.

Overseas Chinese -oriented, serving overseas Chinese

Wang Shitong, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, pointed out in his speech that Qiaomengyuan is an innovation and entrepreneurial base of the overseas Chinese business agglomeration area and the overseas Chinese innovation and entrepreneurship, and it is also a home and blessing place for overseas Chinese to pursue dreams and dreams. The United Front Work Department must always adhere to the fundamental purpose of "overseas Chinese -oriented and serving overseas Chinese", and continuously deepen the service activities for overseas Chinese, such as warmth, accurate overseas Chinese, and true love to protect overseas Chinese. Overseas Chinese. Zengcheng District should accelerate the introduction of relevant policies to promote the high -quality development of Zengcheng Qiaomengyuan, continue to improve the national brand effect of "Qiaomengyuan", and strive to build it into an innovative industrial agglomeration area in the Greater Bay Area. The taxation department should give full play to the role of tax stations, improve the work mechanism of "Guangjiang Coordinated Tax Assistance to help overseas Chinese", continue to explore more series of measures for enterprises and people, and provide more high -quality and efficient services for the majority of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese. Friends of the overseas Chinese community must always firmly take root in the development of the development of Guangzhou and the Greater Bay Area, and continue to carry out the work of "using overseas Chinese as a bridge and a business together". The construction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area has made new and greater contributions to the overseas Chinese community.

Guangjiang collaborative, tax power to help overseas Chinese

In the afternoon of the same day, the taxation departments of Guangzhou and Jiangmen also jointly launched the "Guangjiang Coordinated Tax Assistance Overseas Chinese" project through online video connection, unveiled and set up "Guangzhou-Jiangmen Taxation Department Joint Assistance Base", and jointly released joint release "Ten taxes help overseas Chinese". The project is the overall situation of the Taxation Department of the Guangdong Provincial Taxation, the United Front Work Department of the Guangzhou, Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee, and the Zengcheng, Jiangmen Gaoxin (Jianghai) District Party Committee and the district government, and the taxation department of Guangjiang two places has taken the initiative to integrate into the overall development of the construction of the Greater Bay Area and the overseas Chinese affairs work. Important measures. The "Ten Tax Assisted Overseas Chinese" released by this event answered the problem of taxes and fees that overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese care about and concerned from ten different dimensions. "Joint Organizing Overseas Chinese" cross -city collaboration, "silver tax assistance overseas" financing, "set meal and overseas Chinese" custom counseling, "youth tax for overseas Chinese" multi -language service, "tax -eye viewing overseas Chinese" integration media propaganda, "public wisdom Talking overseas "discuss taxes," tax house education overseas "co -construction station," science and technology innovation and overseas Chinese "accurate benefit enterprises, etc., and strive to build exclusive formulas for the construction of taxes and fees, policy counseling, dispute resolution, entrepreneurial support, etc., and entrepreneurial support. Customized, full -chain "tax help overseas" service mechanism.

"The" Guangjiang Coordinated Tax Assistance Overseas Chinese "project focuses on the hotspots of overseas Chinese enterprises in the process of investment entrepreneurship, promotes policy dividend release, optimize tax payment services, help protect the rights and interests of overseas Chinese, and create a good environment for the deepening of overseas Chinese enterprises. Chen Weijie, a representative of Zengcheng Overseas Chinese Enterprise and President of the Zengcheng Branch of the European and American Classmates, said that the event allowed overseas Chinese -funded enterprises to truly feel the sincere, intention and determination of the taxation departments of Guangzhou and Jiangmen to help overseas Chinese enterprises.

Tax services are constantly extending

In response to the tax -related demand of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese, the taxation department has continuously extended service tentacles. At present, the Guangzhou Taxation Department has formed a party member pioneer team and the "overseas Chinese tax Qingfeng" assistant overseas Chinese group to provide overseas Chinese enterprises and overseas Chinese agents in terms of policy consulting, tax overseas communication, and translation of tax publicity data. Essence

In the next step, the taxation department will comprehensively promote the application of physicalized tax stations in conjunction with the characteristics of the Qiaomengyuan Park, and build a intelligent service platform that integrates functions such as information release, policy interpretation, taxation counseling, team docking, and entrepreneurial support. The "one household and one file" service measure for the "Overseas Dream Garden" science and technology enterprise, establish a designated service mechanism for large -scale backbone enterprises, formulate a science and technology -based SME growth companion plan, provide professional tax services for "quantity tailoring", continue to explore and launch more more The joint service of tax -related matters will serve the development of overseas Chinese and enterprises and enterprises in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area with the "tax" power.

Source: Ge Chenchen and Chen Huiyu, reporters from Zengcheng District Rong Media Center

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