Some fitness venues are open for free

Author:Yanji Propaganda Time:2022.08.15

With the continuous improvement of people's health awareness, active fitness and scientific fitness have become increasingly becoming a conscious choice. On the 8th, many fitness clubs in Yanji City opened for free.

At 12 o'clock on that day, the reporter saw at the Fitness Club (Yuanhang Store) in the world that the number of people in multiple fitness areas has reached the number of epidemic prevention requirements, and the appointment call sounds from time to time. Wu Mei, the manager of the museum, told reporters, "Today is the National Fitness Day. The club will be open for free in the face of new and old members today."

The free fitness club that day is also open on the eighth floor of Yanji West Market. The "post -80s '" post -80s "post -post -post -post -after -00' came to our club to fitness. This fitness atmosphere attracted more. Young people exercise to check in with each other, "said Chen Dianlong, the club manager Chen Dianlong.

In addition to going to the gym to exercise, some citizens also choose home fitness. Ms. Liu, a citizen of Yanji, couldn't beat her at 7 pm every night, and followed Douyin live video to exercise. Ms. Liu said: "Because of her busy work, she has to take care of her family in free time without time to go to the gym, so she chose home fitness. She would control the audio volume, not hinder others' rest, and achieve civilized fitness."

Yanbian Morning News reporter Chen Kun

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