Bao Jianfeng tried to try his disciplinary inspection from sharpening

Author:Shuangya Mountain Release Time:2022.06.17

"Third question: What is the fundamental responsibility of the party's disciplinary inspection authority?" On June 17, Guonet Yunhe County Power Supply Company organized a disciplinary inspection business knowledge competition. The starting point of this competition is based on the starting point of "grinding the knife to cut the firewood" and facing all the disciplinary inspection cadres of the company to evaluate the inspection and disciplinary inspection business as the means to stimulate the upsurge of disciplinary inspection staff. Disciplinary inspection staff coordinated the party's discipline and the "two ruler" of national laws to promote the company's disciplinary inspection work to a higher level.

The competition of Guonet Yunhe County Power Supply Company focuses on the "Regulations on Supervision and Law Enforcement Work" and "Regulations on Supervision and Disciplinary Work". Performing duties. During the competition, the players calmly thought, answered carefully, united and cooperated, and fully demonstrated the style of political, quality, and strong skills.

"The purpose of holding this competition is to continue to improve the company's disciplinary inspection staff three abilities three kinds of abilities, and implement the work of various tasks." There are many professional fields and wide business, and have high requirements for the front -line professional knowledge and disciplinary inspection business capabilities of disciplinary inspection staff. Therefore, improving the combat effectiveness of the disciplinary inspection team has always been an important task for the Discipline Inspection Commission of the State Grid Yunhe County Power Supply Company.

It is reported that the next step of Guonet Yunhe County Power Supply Company will continue to carry out the training of disciplinary inspection cadres, adhere to the ideological tempering, practical exercise, and professional training. Grasp the level of law and good at struggle, and practice excessive skills to perform their duties in accordance with the law and law according to regulations, and continuously improve the standardization level of standardization and rule of law. (Zhang Haiyan)

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