Guangdong's special action on food safety "inspecting insurance" is re -deployed

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.06.17

On June 17th, the reporter learned from the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau that the bureau recently organized the second dispatch meeting for deepening food safety "bottom line, investigation of hidden dangers, and security", deploying the current food safety and imported cold chain foods. Key work for epidemic prevention and control.

The meeting comprehensively summarized the progress of the province's special action work in the previous stage, and thoroughly analyzed the hidden dangers found in the fields of random inspection monitoring, food production, food operations, special food, complaint reports and other fields. At the same time, the regulation of wet powder production enterprises, supervision of imported cold chain food production enterprises, imported cold chain food epidemic "character same defense", and strengthening the "July 1" epidemic prevention and control work.

The meeting emphasized that market supervision departments at all levels must adhere to the goal orientation, tighten the chain of responsibility, and consciously take the special action of food safety "inspection and inspection" as the main line of work throughout the year. , Effectively ensure food safety throughout the province; we must adhere to the problem orientation, focus on both the symptoms and the cure, focus on campus and peripheral food, online food order food, small food involved in small food, food safety supervision during the middle school entrance examination, import cold chain food epidemic prevention and control, etc. At present The focus is on the investigation and judgment of hidden risk hazards and investigations, effectively grasp the rectification of the problem, and severely investigate a group of illegal cases that are closely related to the masses and harsh nature, expose a group of typical cases, and severely punish a group of illegal elements to form an effective deterrent effect. ; We must adhere to the result orientation, in -depth integration and coordinated promotion of special actions and food safety evaluation, food safety demonstration creation, people's livelihood and food spot inspection, food safety social governance, etc., effectively protect the quality of food safety work throughout the year, improve the food safety of the whole region Governance level. We must always tighten the string of the epidemic prevention and control, resolutely overcome the fluke and relax, and earnestly absorb the experience and lessons some time ago, and make every effort to do a good job of preventing and controlling the current farmers' market and importing cold chain food epidemic.

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: He Ying Si Correspondent Yue City Supervisory Picture/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: Liao Xueming (Data Map) Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Li Lin

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