@太!The weather is hot, pay attention to heatstroke prevention!In the next three days, there will be high temperature weather in our province. On June 18th, Taiyuan's highest temperature is 36 ℃

Author:Fairview Taiyuan City Time:2022.06.17

Affected by high -pressure spine, it is expected that there will be high temperature weather in our province in the next three days.

The specific forecast is as follows:

Tonight: The province is cloudy. Minimum temperature: 15 ~ 23 ℃ in the province.

Tomorrow day: The province is cloudy in sunny days, there are showers or thunderstorms in local areas in the north. The northern parts and most parts of the central and southern parts have high temperature weather at 35 ° C or more. Maximum temperature: 33-38 ℃ in the province.

Tomorrow night to the day after day: The sunny days in the province are cloudy, there are high temperature weather in the northern parts and parts of the central and southern parts of the central and southern parts, and high temperature weather in the central and southern parts of the north and parts of the south. The lowest temperature: 15-20 ° C in the northern and southern mountainous areas, 20 to 24 ° C in the rest of the central and southern parts; the highest temperature: 32-38 ° C in the province.

The day after night to the 20th day: The sunny days in the province are cloudy, and there are high temperature weather in the northern parts and parts of the central and southern parts of the central and southern parts, and some areas of 37 ° C or above in parts of the transportation basin are 37 ° C or above. Minimum temperature: 15-23 ° C in the province; maximum temperature: 31-38 ° C in the province.

Taiyuan Weather:

Source: Shanxi Provincial Meteorological Bureau

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