2022 county and city scientific and technological innovation models to strengthen innovation drive "science and technology power" to create "strong counties"

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.08.16

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2022 county and city scientific and technological innovation models were released

Recently, the "Well -off" magazine's exclusive release of the "2022 county and city scientific and technological innovation models" list. Essence

Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province: driving high -quality development with scientific and technological innovation

Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, topped the list. In recent years, Kunshan City has implemented an innovation -driven development strategy, actively integrated into the Yangtze River Delta region integration, accelerating the construction of industrial innovation clusters with Kunshan characteristics, and scientific and technological innovation supports the high -quality development of the county economy. Promoting the formation of a virtuous circle of talent leading innovation, promoting development with innovation, and developing talents with the development of talents, and driven Kunshan's industrial enterprises in Kunshan City to transform and innovate and develop a new level.

Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province: Persist in putting scientific innovation at the core and creating the best innovation and entrepreneurial base

Huangpu District, Guangzhou ranks second in the list. Huangpu District insists on setting scientific and technological innovation at the core, creating the nation's first "SME Enterprise Event" innovation demonstration zone to support high -quality development of small and medium -sized enterprises with greater determination, stronger measures, and better services. Sexual enterprises. Huangpu District is firmly grasping the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes, eliminating all the obstacles of institutional mechanisms to restrict innovation, maximizing the potential of innovation, and comprehensively improving Huangpu's innovation display in the country and the world.

Well -off fast comments: In today's world, scientific and technological innovation capabilities have become the most critical manifestations of national strength. Improve technology innovation ability is a "victory player". What is the ability to innovate in the county area directly related to the county's competitiveness in the county and the quality and efficiency of the county's economic development. Standing at a new historical starting point, implementing the new development concept, we should give full play to the leading support role of scientific and technological innovation in the county economy, and finally open up high -speed channels from technology to industrial strong and economic strong, actively explore and build multi -level, diversified diversification County -area innovation pattern.

The list of the list covers 4 weighted and 120 keywords, 100 million -level letter source comprehensive evaluation list

The list of "2022 county and city scientific and technological innovation" list was exclusively released by the "Xiaokang" magazine, setting 5 network data evaluation lists in innovation investment, innovation, innovation conditions, innovation output, and innovation management. , 120 keyword labels including the number of incubators, the construction of high -tech zones, and the protection of intellectual property rights, and collect more than 100 million data from the Internet and mobile Internet. Beijing Shu Hao Technology Co., Ltd. provides comprehensive technical support based on its open source intelligence analysis big data platform.

"2022 county and city scientific and technological innovation models"

(Full list ranking)

"County Play" was fully built by "Xiaokang" Film and Television Center. It is the first news and video program that focuses on the development of counties in China. Through the learning of a strong country, a national news website China well -off, and a full media channel of the new media matrix of the "Well -off" new media matrix, 250,000 county new media positions are radiated by 140 million people from all walks of life.

At the new starting point of comprehensively building a socialist modern country, in the new journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, "County Network" will continue to connect with 2,760 county -level administrative units in China. From the unique perspective of authoritative media, we are committed to interpreting China, paying attention to people's livelihood, focusing on county dynamics, paying attention to county development, aggregating new energy, release of new momentum, and recording the great process of building a socialist modern country.

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