Ministry of Water Resources: The drought area of cultivated land in 6 provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Basin was 9.67 million mu

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.08.16

The Ministry of Water Resources released news yesterday (15th). Since July, the rainfall of the Yangtze River Basin has been 40 % less than the same period of the same year, and the same period since 1961, and the water coming water has been 20 % to 80 %. According to meteorological hydrology, the drought in the Yangtze River Basin may continue to develop.

As of now, there are no rainy days in some areas of the Yangtze River Basin for more than 20 days; most of the high temperature days of the basin exceeded 15 days, and the middle and lower reaches are more than 30 days. The water level of the Yangtze River and Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake are 4.5 to 6.0 meters lower than the same period of the year. Affected by the less rainfall and the continuous high temperature, the Yangtze River Basin Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi and other 6 provinces and cities have a drought area of ​​9.67 million mu, with 830,000 people and 160,000 large livestock affected by drought and water supply. Essence

Wang Zhangli, deputy director of the Ministry of Water Resources spokesman Water and Disaster Disaster Defense Department: (Current) The water storage of large and medium -sized reservoirs in the Yangtze River Basin is generally good. It is 5%less, and there are more than 180 small and medium -sized reservoir water levels lower than or close to dead water levels, especially some small reservoirs and mountain ponds are seriously insufficient.

In order to actively respond to the drought in the Yangtze River Basin, the Ministry of Water Resources has sent three working groups to the dry area to assist in guidance, and effectively implement the drought -protection and water supply measures and bottom -up plans in accordance with the one -library and one strategy, one village and one strategy. And scientifically dispatch water conservancy projects to ensure the safety of drinking water for the masses, and ensure that the demand for irrigation water for large livestock drinking water and crops.

Wang Zhangli, deputy director of the Ministry of Water Resources spokesman Water Driving Disaster Defense Department: In response to possible drought, planning water storage scheduling in 51 major reservoirs such as the three major reservoirs such as the middle and upstream of the Yangtze River in advance, reserving water for drought resistance, and replenishing the downstream in a timely manner, reducing drought drought in time to reduce drought Impact and loss.

Wang Huan, Director of the Irrigation and Water Conservation Office of the Rural Water Conservancy and Hydropower Department of the Ministry of Water Resources: After active response, there are currently more than 100 million acres of irrigation farmland and other 6 provinces in Sichuan. In large and medium -sized irrigation areas, the degree of irrigation assurance has been further improved.

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