Chinese and foreign industrial and commercial circles actively participated

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.17

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 17 (Reporter Xie Xiyao) Zhang Shaogang, vice chairman of the China Trade Promotional Association, said on the 17th that the 2022 Vietnamese State Administration for Industry and Commerce was ready and will be held in Beijing on the evening of June 22. This forum has received the active participation of the industrial and commercial community of the BRICS countries and the general attention of the industrial and commercial community of other countries, which fully shows the vitality and attractiveness of the economic and trade cooperation of the BRICS countries. Strong desire and firm confidence in strengthening cooperation with China.

On June 17, the China Trade Council held a special conference to introduce the relevant situation of the 2022 Vietnamese Brick State Industry and Commerce Forum. (Photo confession of the China Trade Council)

Zhang Shaogang said at a special conference held by the China Trade Council on the day that the 2022 Vietnamese Brick State Industry and Commerce Forum was remarkable, showing the three major characteristics of high standard levels, enthusiastic participation, and strong representative. The enthusiasm for participating in the Chinese and foreign industrial and commercial community has risen, and the registration is very enthusiastic. Participating representatives have a wide range of countries. In addition to the five foreign countries, there are 13 countries including Kazakhstan, Argentina, Thailand, and Indonesia. Most of the participating companies are the world -renowned enterprises and BRICS pillar enterprises, including 40 Fortune 500 companies, including traditional industries such as energy, finance, manufacturing, and Internet, big data, e -commerce, new energy and other emerging industries Outstanding representative.

Zhang Shaogang introduced that the theme of "Deepening the BRICS Business Partnership and Creating a Bright Future of Global Development" around this forum has also set up "upholding the concept of openness and promoting the recovery of the world economy", "accelerating green transformation, and promoting global sustainable development" "Embrace the digital economy and promote the new industrial revolutionary partnership of the BRICS countries", "united to deal with challenges, and expand the health cooperation under the epidemic", "Strengthening coordination and cooperation, strengthening the toughness of the industrial chain supply chain", etc. The stronger, green, and healthy global development injected industrial and commercial power.

The BRICS Industry and Commerce Forum is an important supporting activity of the BRICS leaders' meeting. It is an important platform for the BRICS industry to conduct exchanges and discussions, condense cooperation consensus, and carry out policies. Since 2010, the China Trade Promotion Association has led the organizational Chinese industry and commerce people to attend the BRICS Business Forum, and successfully held the industrial and commercial forum that year in Sanya and Xiamen, Fujian in 2011 and 2017.

[Editor in charge: Cheng Lan]

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