Notice on the implementation of temporary traffic control

Author:Yunqiannan Time:2022.08.16

Notice on the implementation of temporary traffic control

The broad masses of the people:

In order to effectively eliminate the hidden risks, block the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible, and effectively protect the lives of the lives of the people and the health of the people of the general public. as follows:

1. Management area

The intersection of the funeral home in the east of the urban area of ​​Jian'an County → Triangle slope intersection → Yingshan Hongwu at the intersection; the south of the police dog base intersection → Maopo intersection → highway south station → Huaqiao intersection; the west to Yuhua Sanchatang intersection → Yinkeng water intersection; Phosphorus factory intersection → Yongjiang intersection.

2. Management time

From 7 o'clock on August 16, 2022, the termination of the control time will be notified separately according to the epidemic situation.

3. The following vehicles are not restricted by this measure

1. Special vehicles such as military vehicles, police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, rescue and rescue;

2. Municipal sanitation, power supply (water, gas, oil), communication and other guarantee vehicles;

3. The county's epidemic prevention and control headquarters clearly instructions to undertake special vehicles for the transportation and distribution of medical, production and living materials;

4. National explicitly stipulates that transportation guarantee people's livelihood materials, fresh vegetables, fruits, fruits and oils and other vehicles;

5. Other vehicles approved by the report or a temporary pass on a temporary pass.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

The Headquarters of the Prevention and Control S site for the Prevention and Control of the Epidemic Prefecture

August 16, 2022

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