Special reminder: There are many hidden dangers to go to the river in violation of regulations, Mo Lu's life is a play

Author:Xi'an released Time:2022.08.16

Many citizens are here on the river near the intersection of Luohe West Road and Guang'an Road.

High temperature, swimming has become the first choice for many people to cool down. Most people choose to go to a regular swimming place to swim, but some people are regarded as "wild tour" regardless of their own safety, and even take their children into open waters such as river channels.

Safety reminder can be seen everywhere

Still unable to stop the citizens from going down the river to play water

On the afternoon of August 14, the reporter came to the West Road of Luohe. Near the meeting with Guang'an Road, due to the obstruction of the subway viaduct, a summer resort was formed under the bridge. Many citizens played in the river. Some people lie down on the stones in the river, some people play water in the river, some people sit by the river fishing, some adults swim in the river with their children, some adults take the children to play with water Take pictures ... but more, adults are sitting by the river, and children of three or two play in the river together. The reporter counted roughly. The waters of the intersection of Luohe West Road and Guang'an Road, there were as many as thirty or forty people in the river, most of them were children.

"Since the summer, many citizens have played water in the river every day. The most descendants have the most descendants at 6 or seven in the afternoon. The talents will leave one after another until 10 pm." Master Li, a cleaners, told reporters. The reporter also noticed that the middle of Luohe West Road and the river was originally covered with a lot of weeds, but because there were no protective facilities such as fences next to the road, many people stepped on the grass and went down the river directly. Two dirt roads have been walked out.

The reporter walked about one kilometer along the West Road of the Luohe River, and found that there were signs of "prohibiting swimming, prohibiting fishing", "prohibiting swimming, and careful water" along the river, but still could not stop the citizens from going down the river. About one kilometers south of the waters near Taohuatan Park and the intersection of Luohe West Road and Guang'an Road. Several waters with viaducts, reporters found that some citizens played in the river.

The shallow water is easy to slip

Dark flow in the depth of the water

The water quality of the Luohe River in summer is clear, and the flow of water seems to be gentle. Is it dangerous to play water in the river? The reporter also experienced it. The reporter walked out of the river from the weeds to the river. The road slope was relatively steep, and the weeds on both sides were as high as the thighs. The river on the shore is lighter, and the water only reaches the ankle, but the stone is covered with moss. If you don't wear shoes, it is easy to slip. The deeper to the water in the middle of the river, and the water quality became turbid. When the reporter walked to the deep to the thighs, the reporter felt that there was a undercurrent of the feet, and he never dared to go forward. At this time, there were citizens who swim in the depths of the water or hold the fishing net.

"Master, is it dangerous here?" The reporter asked a man who was fishing. "It's not dangerous. I came here every afternoon, and there was no accident." The man didn't take it for granted. "In summer, we often come here to play, cool and can move the body without spending money, it is good." Said an old man who brought his grandson to swim.

However, many citizens have disgusted the behavior of playing in the water. "There are still many hidden dangers to play with the river at will. I have seen many parents sitting on the river to play with their mobile phones and let the children play water by themselves." Ms. Zhao said. "This kind of behavior is very uncivilized. After many people sit by the water, they are garbage." Master Chen, a nearby resident, said.

Drowning safety accident period high incidence period

Why are there still "bias towards Hushan"

During the interview, the reporter found that most citizens knew that the river was banned, so why did they still "know that there are tigers in the mountains and biased towards Tiger Mountain"? A volunteer who is familiar with water and often participate in rescue told reporters that some people think that the natural environment of open waters such as reservoir and river channels is good and good water quality. Some people are blindly confident and feel that their water properties are good, and it doesn't matter where to swim. But in fact, swimming or playing in these places can easily cause cramps when the water temperature is low; second, the underwater situation is unknown, it is easy to step on the air or step on the sharp foreign objects at the bottom of the water, and even the danger of encountering the water snake. Moreover, there are no professional care and rescue around them, and the rescue time will be missed when they are in danger.

Summer is a high incidence of drowning safety accidents. In June of this year, two men in Qinling Pukou had drowning in the river swimming in private.

During the interview, the reporter was only within the waters of Taohuatan Park. When I saw security personnel reminding the public to not play the water, no staff were inspected or reminded in other waters on Luohe West Road. Some citizens believe that in the summer, the phenomenon of "wild swimming" in violation of regulations should be worthy of attention and attention. Relevant departments should build a safety dam, strengthen supervision and management, and use the recruitment of volunteers and other methods to add inspectors, increase the frequency of inspection, and take some penalties to prevent such phenomena.

Text/Tu Xi'an Newspaper All Media Reporter Yuan Yan Intern Wang Yucui

Responsible editor Yan Han

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